The Universal Pulse Of Truth

Soren Dreier – There is a sacred pulse that you have. It often follows the pulse of your biological heartbeat. It makes sense, since the Pulse comes from the biological pulse of the heartbeat is in sync with the Celestial Pulse.

It can tear down outside walls and if it does, it manifests in a revolutionary way.  It’s very powerful yet very subtle. That is why it can be a life changing experience, either to Pulse it out or be the receiver. And I really don’t feel comfortable saying that, since there is no transmitter and no receiver in the higher altitudes of the Pulsing hearts. There is no inside and outside.

There are no contradictions – there are only perceptions of diversions. All resonated reminiscences of the division Bell which started its toning when the control system came up with that once so powerful design which still holds the heart people in Morph City, like wallflowers in the ballroom of life.

I would like to stick to the Matrix of outside and inside to get my point through:

There are no powers in this world that have that authority over you! Not being able to Pulse your, maybe brushed and battered heart, out into the field of infinite possibilities, the field of infinite creativity or the field of infinite love.

Can’t blame it on the control system anymore. We have evolved rapidly over the last decade, forming heart based networks, networks of friendship, networks of kindred spirits, networks of the “Internet awakening” and so many more.

So the only one keeping you is you. Blaming it on the Matrix is very hollow in the field of the Pulsing Hearts.

The only one holding you back is: You.

Once we realize that fact we become free, obviously detaching the blame game and reclaiming our powers as heart based radiant pulsing beings.

So the problem could be elsewhere:

Maybe you will feel shy.

Maybe you will feel misunderstood.

In a world that thrives on coldness, you might feel lonely-afraid-sad.

Every emotion no matter how high or how low has a counter emotion:






It comes with the territory, since we have not fully reached the state of “Staying Power” in the heart-based realms of our divinity.

SF Source Zen-Haven July 2013

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