Love It Or Leave It

“People are so dumbed down about true national security since 911 and gleefully boast and demonstrate their pride in stupidity. Hypocrites who refuse to face reality about their government and foreign policy wickedness, while pretending to be champions of American principles are mentally ill betrayers.” – Sartre

LoveItOrLeaveItA half century ago the infamous and timeworn trope coming from the supporters of the Viet Nam War was all over the airwaves. “Love It or Leave It” was the standard retort from the gung-ho believers to the anti-war activists, who filled the streets with civil disobedience. An entire era of youth came under suspicion, from fathers of that “Greatest Generation” for questioning the purpose and wisdom of American leaders and the military policy that drafted dissenting objectors into coercive service.

Now with the undying “War on Terror” as the trumped up cornerstone of government survival, the same old party line of jingoism rises again to smear any opposition of the all mighty war machine.

The following is written by a student, Alex Bertsch, not back in the 1960’s but in this year.

“I can’t question the actions of the military without being anti-American. I can’t question events like the My Lai Massacre, in which U.S. Army soldiers killed between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in Vietnam, with virtually no punishment. I am barely allowed to question the Haditha Killings, in which U.S. Marines killed 24 civilians in 2006. Questioning these atrocities would be “un-American.”

As the public is being conditioned for the next round of conflicts, the mere idea of conducting an open and frank debate is too dangerous to allow. So when the hullabaloo over the Chris Kyle movie, “American Sniper” exploded, the NeoCons rushed in to prance out their ultranationalism for the NWO age. Just what kind of world has these super patriots of the internationalist imperium bestowed on humanity?

Start with a review of the violent history of our species and especially the involvements from our own country in its short existence. Continue reading

Harley Schlanger ~ The Evil Empire & The Idolaters Of Money [Audio]

Harley Schlanger, historian and national spokesperson for LaRouchePAC joins me to talk about 9/11 and false flag terror, western-backed ISIS terror, Obama’s speech, the death of the dollar, the evil empire & the idolaters of money. We also talk about much needed solutions, like impeaching Obama, returning to the real American system and the massive water works infrastructure project that could save the west from epic drought, NAWAPA.

Harley’s site:

SF Source  Sept 15 2014

Carolanne Wright ~ DIY $2 Self-Watering Garden Bed

Grow Produce Easily, Even In The Toughest Drought Conditions

SelfWateringGarden“When life gives you lemons, share them with neighbors!” enthuses the Food is Free Project, a grassroots organization based out of Austin, Texas. The project isn’t advocating sharing bad luck; instead, it’s championing the idea of connecting neighbors and communities with a bounty of free, homegrown fresh produce.

It all began as a single, front yard organic vegetable garden with a sign explaining that the food was free for the taking. The sign also included contact information for those who wanted to learn more about growing food in a simple manner. The magic of the project is rooted in an economical, self-watering raised bed that “introduces people to a very easy method of growing organic food with very little work,” states the organization. Launched in January 2012, within three months, a majority of the surrounding neighborhood was on-board with their own front yard community gardens. But it didn’t stop there. The idea has spread around town and across the nation.

Build your own self-watering garden

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Skygate 911 – Full Film [Video]

You are the jury as new and existing evidence is gathered with regard to the aviation related events of September 11, 2001. Analysis includes in depth study of the Departure Gate at Dulles, In-Flight navigation and alignment combined with further scrutiny of the data provided by government agencies which far exceed the capabilities of the alleged aircraft reported.


Encompassing a fresh comprehensive examination into the extreme speeds reported based on new evidence as it compares to precedent set by other aircraft accidents on the record with respect to manufacturer limitations… and more. Exhibits are presented making a strong case for a new independent investigation into the day which changed our world.

SF Source ZenGardner  July 2 2014