How To Make Alkaline Water To Fight Fatigue, Digestive Issues And Cancer


Healthy Cures – A healthy body should always be slightly alkaline. The majority of people today, however, tend to be more acidic (if not highly acidic). This is caused by stress, environmental factors and the foods they eat.

Why does this matter? Simple, the more acidic your body the more likely you are to experience fatigue, digestive issues and weight gain.

In addition, if the environment in our bodies is too acidic for too long, our otherwise healthy cells can become toxic and in the worst case scenario become cancerous. How It All Works

The pH scale runs from 0 to 14 (0 being the most acidic, 14 being the most alkaline, and 7 being neutral.)

Our bodies are designed to thrive in a slightly alkaline environment of 7.4

Various organs and systems, however, thrive with different pH levels. For example, your saliva has a pH range from 6.5-7.0 (more acidic in order to help digest foods), your skin typically has a pH of 5 (although, according to a 2006 study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, it should actually be lower—4-4.5—as this allows the bacteria required to help heal and fight off infections, live on your skin).

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Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic & Here’s What To Do To Correct It

Elisha McFarland – Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies. When the body is overly acidic, it creates an unwanted environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. It also takes minerals from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. Because of this, the body’s mineral reserves such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium can run dangerously low, causing damage that can go undetected for years until it reaches unhealthy levels and leads to acidosis.

alkaline Many people are already consuming enough acid forming foods, such as dairy, grains, meats, and sugar. Since the body is constantly generating acidic waste products from the metabolism, those waste products need to be neutralized or excreted in some way. In order to neutralize the constant acid generation, we need to supply the body with more alkaline foods.

Consider the health problems caused by mild acidosis (poor pH balance)

  • Inflamed sensitive gums, cavities
  • Immune deficiency
  • Sciatica, lumbago, stiff neck Continue reading

Achieving Alkalinity To Treat Illness And Disease

Natural Society  August 25 2013

All life on earth has an ideal and balanced pH level which best suits its perpetuation. Human beings are no different. As ocean pHs have dropped by just fractions from around 8.2 to 8.1 due to increased CO2 deposits, coral reefs have started to die off at an alarming rate. Even the soil we plant our food in has an ideal pH level in order to make sure it grows with the ideal mix of minerals and nutrients like calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and copper. When the soil is out of balance, the plants tend to grow withered and small, and some even die out completely. Again, humans are no different.

The Power of Being Alkaline

The human must maintain its own perfect pH level in order for its systems to function properly, and this includes keeping rogue cells from becoming metastatic disease, translating into cancerous tumors in multiple organs. Our ancestors didn’t eat in a way that upset this delicate balance in our bodies.

Pre-agricultural societies had a naturally alkaline diet. Today most people consume a diet that is poor in important minerals like potassium and magnesium and is full of saturated fats, simple sugars, sodium, and chloride. According to recent studies, this may induce cancer by creating metabolic acids that are asynchronous to our genetically determined nutritional requirements.