Are You Ready to Become a “Divinely Inspired Human Being?”

Evolution Of The Earth (1st Through 4th Dimensions)
Evolution Of The Solar System (5th & Mid-6th Dimensions)
Evolution Of The Galaxy (6th & Mid-7th Dimensions)

Are You Ready to Become a “Divinely Inspired Human Being?”AA Michael – Beloved masters, Humanity is coming of age. Our Father/Mother God’s greatest desire is to see all Facets of their “Beingness” return to Self-mastery so they may enjoy the love, peace, joy, a nd abundance that is every Soul’s divine Birthright.

There will always be help available from the great Beings of Light, and the angelic realm will always answer calls or pleas for assistance. However, there are immutable universal Laws that must be adhered to, and it must be each person’s choice as to which path they will follow: the Path of Light or the path of shadows. Continue reading

Mastering The Dense World Of Duality And Polarity

 Dense world of duality and polarityAA Michael – Beloved masters, your journey into density has been quite an adventure. It has spanned billions of years according to your timekeeping. We have explained how, as you moved deeper and deeper into the great void and the darkness of space, you assisted in filling that void with light, substance, texture and shapes beyond your wildest imagination. And then, according to the divine plan, you submerged yourself within each new reality you had helped fashion so that you could experience creation in its many magnificent, diverse forms.

Thus began the manifestation of solid matter via pure thought brought forth from the Mind of the Supreme Creator, and later from the mind of the Father/Mother God of each Universe, and eventually via your own thoughts as you moved farther and farther from the pure Source of all creation. Continue reading

The Law Of Positive Return – April 2022 Message

adamantine particlesAA Michael – Beloved masters, the rays of divine light, which are radiated throughout creation via the great archangels, not only contain the all-encompassing attributes of our Father / Mother God but their thoughts and emotions of love and wisdom are also constantly being ray-diated throughout all creation.

It is to each person’s benefit to integrate as much of this divine light as possible; however, it is also their responsibility to pass on the remainder of this blessed energy to humanity and the earth.

It is also vitally important that humanity radiates a “tithe” of love/light and gratitude back to the Source of all. Universal law mandates that there must come a time when all conscious souls begin to return a portion of the divine gifts of love/life they have been allotted—it is called the law of responsive return. Continue reading

Activating Future Crystalline Memory Seed Atoms

adamantine particlesAA Michael – Beloved masters, you are now in the process of reuniting with your starseed soul families. You are ready to begin to form some of your many trinity soul units − consisting of those souls who have activated and are consciously using all three god rays of divine will, divine love, wisdom and divine active intelligence – units composed of 3, 9, 12, 24 and 144 beloved souls.

Many of these soul groups are in the formation stages on the physical plane. You, the vanguard, are now in the process of creating these wondrously empowered spiritual units. You are the brave spiritual pioneers who will become inspiring examples for humanity. You are also the ones who will provide the initial memory seed atom codes of creator light – the new divine blueprints for the emerging cities of light on the earth plane. Continue reading