The main theme for September is Adjustment

AdjustmentLena Stevens – We are now navigating the debris kicked up by events that triggered the reset of August. We know something is different, and we know things should be different. We feel somehow different and some of us are manifesting big changes, but we cannot fully embrace the reality of it until we adjust on all levels, assimilating and integrating as we go.

So, this is the period of great adjustment.

There is a new energy inside each one of us whether it is tangible at this point or not. This new energy requires that your environment, whatever that may be, adjust itself to you in a new way. This could mean a sudden move, a radical change in work, an upgrade in your home, vehicle or electronics or a change in your relationships including one with self. Continue reading

The Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Road trip from IA to NC – Celebrating Nature – Photo by Janel

Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius: trust, magic

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: open to possibilities; watch and listen

True Alignments: goodwill toward all, collaboration and team efforts, choosing things that nurture the mind/body/soul over things that degrade them, ability to mend a fence or get along with or cooperate with someone with whom we usually have difficulty, shared thoughts (literally having the same thought as another – the source field is ripe), things beginning to take shape, massive potential

Catalysts for Change: chasing impossible standards and missing out on life in the process, shutting oneself away, needing to share but having no one to tell (journal or write it down as an alternative), feeling that things are unsteady (they aren’t), adjustment difficulties, alienation, seeing another point of view, gruff or angry approach, denial

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The music of the spheres erupts with the herald of divine messages today!

The symphony has already started, kicking off with the Moon opposing Mercury, the planet known as The Messenger this morning. Message begins: open your mind to new opportunities and options. Break from restrictions. The future is safe and secure, even it feels foreign now. Continue reading