How To Develop Your Spiritual / Human Nature

How To Develop Your Spiritual / Human NatureAA Michael – Beloved masters, it is time to acknowledge and claim ownership of your Core Essence, your true identity. You are not just a male or female human Being residing on the planet Earth. You are not just a soul within a physical body with many facets of your Higher Self scattered throughout this Sub-Universe.

You are of royal lineage, my friends, with ancestors of great renown. You are the StarSeed, the Wayshowers from the far reaches of the Omniverse, who were sent forth on a special mission that is rapidly coming to a culmination. You know who you are, for we have often spoken of this in the past.

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AA Michael October 2019 Message

lightRonna Vezane – Beloved masters, it is time to release, transmute or upgrade many of the old restricting thought forms and structures that you have accepted as your personal reality. If you will spend some time in meditation and contemplation reviewing the structures you have created in your third- and fourth-dimensional reality, which include mental, emotional, physical, and etheric, as well as some spiritual restrictions, you will quickly determine that it is time to release many of the ties that bind you so that you may move quickly and gracefully into the expanding, empowering world of the higher planes of consciousness.

Many of you feel as though you are in the final stretch of a long, difficult race, and your energy and enthusiasm are lagging. You are growing more and more disenchanted with the glamour of your worldly existence, and the things that used to excite you seem somewhat tarnished and dull. Continue reading

Ronna Star – AA Michael September 2015 Message

selfBeloved masters, returning to the narrow path of Ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As an empowered, functioning Self-master, you will make only the highest and best choices for the benefit of ALL. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.

Indeed, the multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of Ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities, and that you have a direct link to the power source of Creation via the River of Life/Light.

As you learn to breathe deeply and effortlessly, you descend into your Sacred Heart Center where the Creator and Creation are one. This is when you begin to awaken and realize that you are experiencing your reality through a veil of illusion, that you are the dreamer as well as the dream. You begin to release yourself from the bonds of the mass consciousness belief structure, and you begin to seek your own higher truths. At that time, you begin the journey back into wholeness as you strive to recreate yourself into the SUN CHILD of our Father / Mother God—a Being of Light—which is your Divine Heritage. The Creator is THE SOURCE OF THE BREATH OF LIFE. The Breath is your Lifeline to and from the ALL THAT IS. As you inhale, you receive this gift that originates from within the Heart Core of the Creator. With each exhalation, you send this gift of Sacred Breath back to into the realms of the Infinite Source of Life. Continue reading