What We Notice About You

What We Notice About YouAilia Mira – “We greet you, in love. It is beautiful to connect with you now, in this way as you are in this state.

The light within you is not only continuing to increase in frequency and also in information, but it is acclimating you to living in higher awareness. Notice the sense of peace and well-being that you are able to access nowadays, so much more readily, than in the past. Continue reading

New Moon Update – Set Intentions

New Moon Update - Set IntentionsLena Stevens – In this month of crises and retrogrades, we have had an opportunity to go within and find resilience, stamina, wisdom, and inner strength through reflection and exploration of our inner self rather than focusing on the outer.

The Equinox (on the 22nd at 7:03 PM MDT) brings an invitation for endings and beginnings, and the new moon in Libra (Sunday the 25th at 3:54PM MDT) opens the field of simplicity, balance and greater intuition. There is lots of support during this new moon for seeing the bigger picture of your life with more clarity and vision. Continue reading

Five Alignments


Lee Carroll – Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I’ve come to this room many times, so some of you are used to the channeling. Others tolerate it, and others are in the dark about the whole idea. this is a time of reflection. It’s a time of compassion, understanding and tolerance. This is actually a scientific meeting filled with spirituality and esoterics. Indeed, they do go together. There’s something here for everyone, since the study of science

is the study of how the creative source (God) created all the profound systems you are studying. I’m going to offer you a subject today called The Five Alignments. What are you aligning with right now as you sit in the chairs? As you ponder all the things that you have seen in the last three days, what ideas or energies do you align with? Continue reading

Open To Your Multidimensional Lineage

Attunement to Infinite TimeAilia Mira – Hello, Divine Ones, We greet you in love.

We open up to this accelerating field that is your experience, for your world and your energy and expanding and accelerating.

The Lion’s Gate alignment, on 8/8 and this month of August together empower vast new potentials for humanity. You can feel this, we know. For the energy is already streaming into your world and affecting you, your bodies, and awareness, and with this, your emotions and your physical body are experiencing (and you feel through these modalities), the integration of this energy. Continue reading

Energetic Update: Ascension Gateways Have Opened

physical bodyLisa Transcendence BrownIt’s been days of rainbows and rainbow bridge frequencies …. days of powerful gamma light upgrades… days of gravity going/dimensional shifts, days of all things beautiful through pure presence, lifting… expanding… and energetically observing entire collectives experiencing their own individual ascension processes….

Consciousness first. There are years of density clearing, years of realignment processes, years of dna activations…. so that while holding highest states of consciousness as our pure soul, the physical body can accomplish everything that it needs to in order for physical body ascension to occur. This is when the re-writing/re-creating/re-alignment of every reality by each begins. (6th dimension.) Continue reading