Trump and Bernie on the same ticket; take the ride

Jon Rappoport –  Don’t lose your lunch or your cookies or your marbles. Follow this one to the end.

BernieAs Bernie throws charges at Hillary for vote-rigging to gain the nomination; as Hillary solidifies her prurient control of so-called super-delegates (Democrat insiders and hacks), thus overturning the force of Primary voting; as Trump, Cruz, and the Republican leadership heat up an internal war over delegates; as Colorado and other states reject the validity of Republican Primary voting; the hallucination that is 2-party politics in America is on the verge of cracking. And if the crack widens, the foul creatures who emerge will reveal an oozing Hell in broad daylight.

We’ve gone past crazy.

And since that’s so, anything goes. It’s important to understand “anything,” which is why I’m dreaming about an independent ticket of Bernie Sanders, fresh off his rigged loss to Hillary, and Trump, emerging from his stinging defeat at the hands of Republican Beelzebubs. The two enemies on the same side.

Bernie and The Donald. Donald and The Bernie. Can’t agree on much, but who cares. Burn the political house down. Walk away and start a new campaign for the White House.

Left populism plus right populism. Together.

A realistic winner in November, as long as they have a cold-blooded army of pros investigating the voting machines.

Bernie: “I hate Donald, except for his stance on trade treaties that are stealing millions of jobs from Americans.”

Donald: “I hate Bernie, except for his stance on trade treaties that are stealing millions of jobs from Americans.”

Could be a lot worse.

A lot.

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Voting With Our Feet

Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges – Bernie Sanders’ political corpse in the presidential race is still warm, but some of his prominent liberal supporters already are urging us to flee to Hillary Clinton. Sanders, who knows the game is up, will soon become the Democrats’ pied piper. He will seek to entice his supporters into the Democratic Party rattrap. He has decried the disruption of Trump rallies—denigrating the only power we have left—saying “people should not disrupt anybody’s meetings.” His “political revolution,” like his promise of a movement, is a cynical form of advertising. Sanders will, like the Barack Obama of 2008, end as an impediment to the mass movements he claims to represent. And mass movements in our system of “inverted totalitarianism” are our final and only hope.

I understand the fear over Donald Trump. I too want to crush the growing fascist sentiments rising up from the rot and decay of American society. But voting for Clinton and supporting the Democratic Party will not halt our descent into despotism. It will only accelerate it. Trump is not creating phenomena. He is responding to them. It is up to us to halt the array of forces, including the Trump campaign, that are preparing a species of American fascism and orchestrating a global ecocide. The only way we have left to vote is with our feet.

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Dirty Business As Usual Sweeps Super Tuesday

america Stephen Lendman – Results were known before polls opened Tuesday morning. The same holds throughout the farcical political season – a meaningless pre-scripted exercise in theater, substance entirely excluded.

Media hoopla conceals a process too corrupted to fix. Democracy in America is a four-letter word – a rigged Big Money controlled duopoly power system. Voters have no say whatever. Dirty business as usual wins every time.

Green Party presidential aspirant Dr. Jill Stein is the real thing, a true populist supporting governance of, by and for everyone equitably – getting virtually no media coverage. Editorial scoundrels treat her like a nonperson.

She and other independents are shut out, ignored and prevented from competing on a level playing field. The system is rigged to exclude them.

In America, what Wall Street, war-profiteers and other robber barons want, they get. Republicans and Democrats are cookie cutouts of each each other, not a dime’s worth of difference between them.

Campaign promises are made to be broken. All duopoly power candidates march to the same drummer – no exceptions.

None match Jill Stein’s advocacy for peace, ecological sanity, social justice and real grassroots participatory democracy, what America never had from inception, for sure not now.

For what it’s worth, Trump and Clinton won big on Tuesday. Both look unstoppable to meet in November.

A Trump v. Clinton race amounts to choosing between death by hanging or firing squad – an unorthodox billionaire real estate tycoon v. Wall Street’s favorite.

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POTUS 2016. Count Me Out

americanKatherine Frisk – The first time I followed an American Presidential election was in 2012. And I was not born yesterday. The only reason that I did follow it was because I bumped into a number of Americans on the Internet who taught me about the reality of the Federal Reserve and a number of other things. This all came as a complete and utter shock to my Reuters brainwashed mind. I mean… Reuters lies? Nooooooooo. Between then and now I have acquired a completely different view on the world and how it functions. So don’t panic. I cannot remember the last time I read anything disseminated from Reuters.

So what did I learn about American Presidential elections? The whole thing is a sham. A song and dance routine with Hollywood script writers. Once you get over the fact that it is all a dog and pony show, many things take on a comical hue.

If you are going to pollute your mind in 2016 watch out for this one. The fainting worshiper having a religious experience at an over crowded rally in a football stadium. And the prospective candidate does the whole, “can somebody get that lady a glass of water,”routine, revealing their “compassionate and caring side.” It is repetitive and happens at almost every single rally. All scripted of course.

Then there are the ad-nauseum reports on the news relaying the percentage polls for the different candidates. Watch out for anyone who is not in either the Fox or the CNN stable, no matter what the statics are, he or she will be completely ignored by the talking head. The candidate can even be in the lead and their name will not be mentioned. As far as Murdoch controlled media is concerned, they do not exist. And if you are not American and you read Reuters you would never know that they even existed in the first place. I thought that there were only two people in any given presidential election. One Democrat and one Republican. And please explain to me, when did the USA have elephants roaming the prairie? Continue reading