Adios Senor! Rajoy Out…

sorosJoseph P Farrell – Well, it has happened. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is the first Spanish premier in history to lose a vote of no confidence. And for a Madrid that seemed to be successfully emulating the Swampy Corruption Policies of Washington, D.C., that’s something.

Indeed, according to this Zero Hedge article shared by Mr. H.B., kickbacks, or pay to play, seemingly are at the heart of Senor Rajoy’s downfall:

Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy Ousted From Power; Sanchez Is New Socialist Prime Minister

As the article notes, however, the new premier is the Socialist Pedro Sanchez, leading a rag-tag coalition that was hastily thrown together for the simple purpose of ousting Senor Rajoy. In short, on the surface, nothing much has changed, because what is socialism but a swampy pay-to-play scheme,  dressed up in the glowing utopian language of Marxism which, somehow, manages always to weave a spell so powerful that it convinces people to ignore the glaring hypocrisies of it all: Continue reading

Merkel: From Schauble To Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs Joseph P Farrell – While we’re talking about Germany and the European Union, Mr. H.B. also spotted this story and passed it along, and it’s worth passing along to you. Remember all the hoopla a few years ago between Germany and Greece, and how Goldman Sachs was being accused as the real architect of the austerity policies that were wrecking the Greek economy?

It was a case then that the runaway socialist policies of southern Europe were having the bill footed by Germany and the stronger northern European economies. The result was actual seizure of assets, in some cases. It is as if we were watching a process where the Parthenon had become private property, and the Greeks, rightly, were not too happy about it, but (not rightly) were not prepared to examine how their own domestic policies had led to the situation.

That, of course, is a dramatic over-simplification, but now there’s a new internal struggle shaping up. Continue reading

Draining The Swamp – Rejecting The Globalist Left

globalistShorty Dawkins – Trump’s victory, Brexit and the surge in the support for anti-globalist Marine Le Pen, in France. was just the tip of the iceberg, as anti-globalist parties on the Right, have gained strength throughout Europe. Five countries in Eastern Europe, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria now have governments which the Globalist Media call “Far Right”, though they are beginning to admit that the “Far Right” is now the new mainstream.

In the Netherlands, Denmark and Italy, parties from the Right” have surged, recently, and though they have not taken power, they are definitely in ascendance. Angela Merkel’s Globalist party, in Germany saw its vote totals shrink drastically, and she is struggling to form a minority coalition. Continue reading

Pope Francis and Angela Merkel: Enemies of European Civilization

 Katherine Frisk Most people think I am nuts when I say this, They simply cannot and do not want to believe it let alone consider it.

For the last 1,000 years, the Vatican has been living high on the hog of Western Nations, today extending internationally, through their self-decreed Papal Bulls that declare that the Pope owns the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls. This is the basis for the New World Order and a One World Government. The fact that Jesus turned the devil down when given the same offer, alludes them.

Who is the Vatican? The people who own and control the Vatican are the Black Nobility of Europe, the Zionists and the Muslim Brotherhood.

vaticanThe Jesuits are their foot soldiers and their intelligence network. Today both the black pope and the white pope are Jesuits. Jesuits are not only part of a celibate order, but are scientists, university professors, bankers, media moguls, part of all religious groups that they have infiltrated and politicians to name a few.  Joe Biden is a Jesuit. So is Mike Pence.

Jesuits are also in intelligence agencies such as the CIA and it is not beneath them to run narcotics operations and support terrorists to achieve their aims of world-wide domination. Many live seemingly “normal” lives. The Knights of Malta, not to be confused with the Knights Templar, are also part of their secret societies and political extensions, as are the Illuminati which was founded by a Jesuit.

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Is There A Quiet War Going On Between The USA And Germany?(#1)

merkelJoseph P Farrell – I’ve had this suspicion for some time that some sort of quiet war, punctuated – or perhaps better put, underscored – at times by apparent “new depths of cooperation” between Germany and the USA. And, for “Germany” here one might also say, to some extent, continental Europe.

Now, before I go any further, I need to remind people of some fundamental truths:10

(1) since 1871, and for the foreseeable future, Germany has been and will continue to be the economic and industrial locomotive of Europe, and that can be (and has been) translated at times into military power (q.v. World War One, and World War Two);

(2) German war aims in both World Wars was the creation of a European federation under German dominance (that one seems to have worked out), and, coincidentally, the USA had a similar war aim in World War Two, and became a backer for the creation of the Common Market that led to today’s European Union;

(3) Germans are not Nazis and not interested in conquering the world;

(4) the current American political class, beginning ca. 1988 and continuing to now, is equally as irrational, kooky, and insane as the German political class, which remains irrational, kooky, and insane (q.v., Angela Merkel).

With that out of the way, we can return to my suspicion of some sort of quiet war being waged between the USA and Germany.

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