The Unmasking Of An Archon

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so…

Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.”  – Carlos Castaneda


The Hijacking of a Blueprint

Elva Thompson – There are many illustrations in the ‘natural’ world that show how parasites hack the programme of their hosts and replace it with their own survival mechanism. Take the case of the worm Dicrocoelium dendriticum better known as the lancet liver fluke.  To reach the liver of grazing animals it first infects a snail. Continue reading

11th Dimensional Ship, How To Cope With The Changes

unseenJames Gilliland – Many keep asking about the new kids on the block in their 11D ship. It is an event the other multidimensional light workers have been waiting for as well as the 3D here on Earth. It is like Creators insurance that the awakening and healing process of Humanity and the Earth will continue and be successful.

To understand this one must understand how the higher dimensional beings operate. They, for the better part, work through the grids of consciousness and energy.

The Earth has been under the influence of the Archons, mainly Draconians for eons. Some call the present grid an Archonic or Draconian grid. It was not the original plan which was to be an Eden, heaven on Earth where the fauna, flora, animals, including the human civilization could evolve to its highest potential.

Due to interference on many levels by several species the Earth was hijacked ending up in its present state. Universal Law was replaced by Draconian Law, arrogance and greed and power over others became the rule of the day and as one climbs the ladder of power and wealth one realizes it gets even more decadent.

The shift in power moves from seen to unseen forces and those unseen forces care nothing for Humanity and the Earth. To them you are like cattle, a resource, to do with as they wish. Most are afraid to address this. They will hide behind spiritual aphorisms, beliefs with built in denial, or lay a guilt trip with judgments of spreading fear porn etc. They are the ones in fear, afraid to face the dragon. This is exactly why this Draconian empire was allowed to take over.

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Learn The Anti Thought-Form Hack Technique

thoughtArno Pienaar – Learn The Anti Thought-form Hack Technique and free the mind once and for all. How aware are you of these beings each stealing the limelight from awareness.

We all desire stillness and control within our minds, and prefer our inner domains to be free from disruptive thoughts that cause us to react.

Reacting in this context means thinking more thoughts resulting from one that was primarily implanted by the Luciferian Archons that know you better than you know yourself! (The ego)

These entities live by thought alone and use it to manipulate this reality by implanting thoughts into all of humanity by suggestion.

We direly need to be free from all thought-forms. A thought-form is a thought that has been energized to the point of gaining it’s own life and dominion within the psyche of the captive’s mind. It literally is a created entity that lives within a person that wants its own way.

A thought-form can be compared to a stuck tape — its patterns and reasoning are repetitious and serve to keep you in frozen malfunction, or an unconscious existence.

You become like a computer trying to function with a virus; everything is a struggle and your frequency is slower than it should be.

Thought-forms become ingrained into your mind and rule your life while you are unconscious. Continue reading

The War In Consciousness

“Watch the Earth Changes as they are a direct reflection of what is happening in the deeper consciousness. As the storms become more and more powerful, know that things are definitely changing. Nature too is healing.” – C Tavares

WarOnConsciousnessA multi-dimensional war is taking place right now and has been for centuries, between other beings, for the continued enslavement and entrapment of the human bodies on this planet (along with the entrapment of our very souls and parts of our spirit bodies), and on the other side highly advanced beings who are wanting us to further evolve and develop freely.

Multi-faceted reasons of the “wardens” or enslavers ranging from the harvesting of the humans in the material world (DNA and flesh), to harvesting of our life-force and the consciousness and experiences that we have been creating, even the addiction of power, knowing that they have had control over other Divine Gods/Us, the Forgotten Gods.

Pyramids within Pyramids

This is one of the least talked about and most taboo subjects, by design. Pyramids within pyramids within pyramids of hierarchal power struggles and control, where the beings on top of one “pyramid” are just the lowest point or members of the next……

If GOD’s (Source) only mandate to the Gods was to make known the unknown, ie to expand the overall consciousness of the GOD mind, to be explorers and adventurers in the Void; then these entities that are manipulating and suppressing us are in a way limiting, and slowing the expansion process and natural flow of consciousness, by their manipulation and entrapment over us. Continue reading

Julian Rose ~ The Fear of Fear: How To Beat It

“. . . fear is the chief tool of our oppression. The chief weapon of our self-paralysis. However, it can be rendered utterly inert and without power, once we recognize its origins and bring to light its phony role.” – J Rose

Gandhi_TheEnemyIsFearFear is real enough, isn’t it?

I mean, there are times when each one of us feels “afraid”. If we didn’t we most probably wouldn’t be around to tell tell the story.

Biological fear is instinctual – but non biological fear is not instinctual. So firstly we have to sort these two out. Fear as an instinct is that inner warning bell – or shiver – which tells us that we are probably or actually – in danger.  It needs heeding.

But fear also comes as something superimposed. A form of indoctrination which renders us fearful about things which we have no business being fearful about. And it is this type of fear that we need to get a grip on – and ultimately reject completely.

You see, fear in its non biological form, is the single greatest weapon of mass destruction to our subtle, responsive state of being. The state that opens us to flows of creative energies, inspirations and actions. States of being which, in turn, have the greatest capacity to turn around the totalitarian regimes of oppression that hold up the pyramids of power.

No wonder the fear card is played to the hilt! The ruling cabal knows from experience that so long as it can keep people in an almost perpetual state of anxiety/fear, there’s not a chance that the creative energies will rise up in rebellion and depose them. Continue reading