How To Be Grounded In God

godJafree Ozwald – What is God? The Source of God is the foundation of your very being. It is your essential essence, your true life force and the very fabric of your soul. When you can fully relax inside yourself, you create room to fully connect with this Divine Source from which every life experience is emanating from.

The deeper you can let go and rest into your body and mind, the deeper you dive down the rabbit hole, discovering that this experience of God is the foundational truth of who and what you really are. When you fully realize that God exists inside you, there is a feeling of deep relief like nothing you’ve ever experienced in your entire life.

It’s as if you were holding your breath under water all this time and have exploded up to the surface for your first breath of air. You feel like you can take in life in its totality, with such a great lightness and buoyancy, that you often feel like you’re floating on air. Continue reading

Shifting Realities, Feedback Loops And Truly Getting Free

“Don’t get caught in the action-reaction loop. It leads to nowhere, no matter the truth of the information.”  Z Gardner

earth Shifting Realities

Zen Gardner – It appears things change more than we think – way more, and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our memory and perception of old changes. And those were based on previous reference points.

We seem to often judge change by points of previous attachment, even though they continually shift. That cannot be very accurate no matter how real they were at the time. Things have shifted. And will continue to do so. Continue reading

Spirit Lives And Religions Die

Timothy Wulff – A favorite quote of mine is from Kierkegaard: “In an infinite and incomprehensible universe, it is not a question of whether faith, but rather, faith in what.” This brief sentence has had an enormous impact on me over the years and produced a startling effect on my views.

Religion is not Spirit

a higher state of consciousnessIf the universe is infinite and incomprehensible – a seemingly simple and acceptable postulate – then any complete or absolute definition or understanding of it is not possible from a limited human perspective. As such, any religion which claims to define or otherwise explain the unknowable contains within it a logical fallacy. It cannot be otherwise. Continue reading

8 Steps Towards Non Attachment

attachmentDéesse Indigo – During our lives, we tend to form many attachments to various types of things. Many of us are so attached to the physical world that we become enslaved and possessed by the very things we adore.

Detachment is when someone has complete freedom from all that is seen or heard and doesn’t let any possessions take control of them. Practicing non-attachment gives us power over our emotions and feelings in relation to the attachments in our life.

Many people wonder, why does detachment matter? Why does it matter whether or not we’re attached to something? The answer is simple, if we’re not careful our attachment can lead to tragedy and heartbreak when change takes its unstoppable course. Attachment is the root cause of our suffering. Non-attachment is the ultimate form of self-mastery.

The first and most important concept when trying to incorporate non-attachment into your life, is consciously acknowledging that everything that’s manifested in our physical world is temporary, not forever.

When you notice your attachment to anyone or to anything, ask yourself the following questions: “Why do I really desire this? What permanent advantage would I gain by possessing this? How would this possession help me towards greater knowledge and freedom?” Over and over again, the answers to these questions show us that the desired thing is useless in the long term and also may be potentially harmful by driving us into ignorance and bondage. Sometimes we may become aware that the things we desire, is something simply to fulfill a mere restlessness in the mind.

The mental state of non-attachment may come slowly, but even the earliest stages of practice are rewarded by a sense of peace and freedom. Guaranteed success will come from being consistent with this spiritual discipline.

Practice Non-Attachment in 8 Steps

1. Ask yourself what realistic permanent advantage you should gain if you possessed your desire. Continue reading