How Ayahuasca Is Helping Athletes Gain Confidence

How Ayahuasca Is Helping Athletes Gain Confidence?An athlete’s level of performance demands physical and mental attributes. When most people think of athletic performance, cardio instantly comes to mind. It is a fact, that cardio has everything to do with athletic performance. However, it does not stand alone as there is a slew of influencers. Being an athlete takes physical endurance, stamina, strength, and cardio. Being a successful athlete takes physical endurance, stamina, strength, cardio, concentration, stress management, motivation, attitude, and confidence.

With a combination of strong physical and mental attributes, an athlete will outperform their opponents every time. This is where Ayahuasca comes into play. Learn more by reading the content provided below. Continue reading

Harmaline Wonderland Of Gnomes, Elves, Faeries And Sprites

“I can tell you based on my own experience that once you are keyed into the presence of these sylvan spirits that you begin to recognize certain structures and features that they leave behind, that they construct using natural materials. They have a fundamental, indispensable, working relationship with Nature — and with us — being that we are also part of Nature, whether we recognize or admit that essential fact, or not.”  – R Sauder

We live in a world of transcendent mystery

RealFairyGnomeElfThat is the overriding reality of this planet. I realize that a lot of people don’t get that, but that is because a sort of false reality, an artificially contrived simulacrum of reality, has been clamped down on this planet.

Whence springs the simulacrum? Whence stems the mind, body and soul deceiving fraud?

Ah, that is the source of much contention.

Some say the Archons that John Lash has talked and written so extensively about are the cause. Others maintain that nefarious E.T. species are at fault. Those of a fundamentalist, religious bent will lay the blame on Satan (whoever or whatever “Satan” is). Continue reading

Pavithra ~ The Roots of Healing

healWhen we look at the nature kingdom we begin to see the beauty and grace of it and how supporting it is towards us and our evolution. Have you ever wondered how the ancient ways of taking plant medicine is so powerful and have the ability to heal our being, not just the 3D body but the multidimensional being? I thought about it recently and realized the importance of understanding this on a deeper level at this time of our evolution.

Everything in nature is a living breathing being, a spirit and a living consciousness. When we use these plants and herbs to heal our multidimensional being, our consciousness connects with the spirit of the plant and facilitates the healing for us on our multidimensional levels. Not just the physical ailments, but their root cause and finding the reasons for them through the multidimensional layers. That is why the ancient ways of medicine take awhile to heal the body, because it needs to go to the roots and purge what is not needed so it can heal us fully.

Co-creation with the spirit

This co-creation with the spirit of the plant is well known to ancient healers. Many of these beings have ceremonies to evoke the spirit of the plant, and ask the plant’s assistance to heal the being. For example, the journeys the medicine men take with the use of the Ayahuasca plant. It is the plant’s spirit that facilitates the true journey for the being to awaken them to their higher multi-dimensional bodies by guiding them. Same with the tobacco plant that the Native Indians use in its pure form or any other plant that is being used in a traditional way, it works with the true essence of the plant. Continue reading

South American Vine Treats Neurogenerative Disorders, Stronger Than Antidepressants

Wake Up World  March 11 2014

ayahuascaBanisteriopsis caapi, also known as ayahuasca, caapi or yaje, is a South American jungle vine used to prepare a decoction with a long history of entheogenic uses as a medicine and “plant teacher” among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon Rainforest. It has unique properties found to treat Parkinson’s disease and other neurogenerative disorders.

B.caapi contains harmine, harmaline, and tetrahydroharmine, all of which are both beta-carboline harmala alkaloids and Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The MAOIs in B. caapi allow the primary psychoactive compound, DMT (which is introduced from the other primary ingredient in ayahausca, the Psychotria viridis plant), to be orally active.

The name ayahuasca means “vine of the soul”and the shamans of the indigenous western Amazonian tribes use the plant in religious and healing ceremonies. In addition to its hallucinogenic properties, caapi is used for its healing properties as a purgative, effectively cleansing the body of parasites and helping the digestive tract.

Harmala alkaloids are short term yet powerful MAOIs which render tryptamines orally active by temporarily reducing levels of monoamine oxidase in the body which otherwise rapidly destroys them. Their effects are more powerful and less toxic than pharmaceutical SSRIs since they do not lead to suicidal tendencies and other side effects which detrimentally affect human behavior.

The principal ayahuasca compounds have a common indole structure which, through several mechanisms, influences certain functions of the central nervous system (CNS). The relevant factor is the biochemical similarity of these compounds to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT). The harmala alkaloids in ayahuasca, primarily harmine and tetrahydroharmine, reversibly inhibit the neuronal enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO).

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