New Moon Initiates ‘Virtuous Leadership’ codes

New Moon Initiates ‘Virtuous Leadership’ codesAlison McCabe – This next New Moon on the 18th June sets us on a trajectory through the Venus cycle in Leo for the next 18 months of ‘Virtuous Leadership’, as fractals of people, primed for many lifetimes to work together, make quantum leaps into deeper levels of integrity and understanding the problems of the world from this perspective.

How Beliefs Influence Your Life

beliefDavid R. Hamilton PhD – More than 200 female students at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, were once told that boys typically score 5 percentage points higher in mathematics than girls. It wasn’t actually true. It was part of a study that examined how our beliefs influence our lives.

Half of the girls were told that the difference in math scores was down to a gene on the Y chromosome (that only boys have) that increased energy supply to a part of the brain involved in performing mental tasks. These girls believed themselves to be at a genetic disadvantage. Continue reading

Examining Beliefs

belief systemsLisa Renee – As more of humanity awakens, the range of societal problems that are purposely generating devastating harm and destruction connected to authoritarian power abuses and egregious crimes against humanity has become increasingly evident.

How can it be that so many reasonable, intelligent and good-hearted humans became grossly enmeshed in the controlled narrative and further were unable to discern egregious lies and gaslighting tactics used to perpetuate and accept these many global crimes being made against humanity?

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A Time of Mastery

earthSteve Rother – Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day to share with you from our perspective what it will be like for you on the path ahead. Oh, you have so many changes happening. Yes, planet Earth is all about change. That’s very challenging for humans who don’t do well with change. Typically,you have all sorts of challenges with it, especially when you become hung up with your belief systems and believing that you cannot change in some way. Well, I will tell you a little bit of what’s coming and you can choose if you wish to change.

A Time of Mastery

The focus of the game here on Earth can be summed up in a single word called “mastery.” In reality you are pretending to be separate from Home, and from all of the connections that you have with all of us. You’re pretending to be a human inside that physical bubble of biology. As you pretend to be human, you are learning how to master everything one piece at a time. That’s typically why you take life lessons as you come into the game.

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What Does It Even Mean To “Be The Best Version Of Yourself?”

authentic selfJoe Martino – Walking down the self-help aisle of any bookstore may yield you a plethora of book titles and subtitles referencing ‘becoming the best of version yourself.’ You might pick up a book, turn it over to read the back cover and find a series of recommendations from prominent authors stating ‘this book will bring you to a whole new level’ or ‘this book truly unlocks your hidden riches.’ Excited, you might open to the table of contents, hoping to find some early insight or tips on what you can try right away:

“Today’s challenge,” “Who are you?,” “Learning to love yourself,” “Being the best you.” These may be the first few chapter titles you come across, but you may be left with the question, that may not even be answered in the book, “What does it mean to be the best version of yourself?’

A question that many are trying to answer.

I will start by saying marketing a book can be a difficult task. I have been working towards publishing my first book and every publisher I talk to wants to know that title and subheadline right away so they know how easy it will be to sell your book. The insurgence of self-help books has been huge over the last few years. Thousands of inspired and well-meaning authors have felt the urge to write a book, and so they do. Continue reading