Delegating to the Divine Assistant

Delegating to the Divine AssistantThe Angels – Imagine you have a personal assistant available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Imagine that this person adores you and wants only the best for you. They coordinate your activities with the rest of the universe and are always aware of what you need to know, do, and say at exactly the perfect time. They are gentle, kind, loving, and persistent in their desire to serve. Imagine that they asked nothing in return from you other than that you ask for their help.

Ask yourself, “Would I be willing to accept this loving service? Would I take advantage of it to free my mind from worry, my time from wasted effort, and give my spirit breathing space? Or would I continue to do everything or most things myself?” Continue reading

Believing is Seeing

awarenessOwen K Waters – Today’s massive, ongoing Shift in consciousness is a shift from intellectual awareness to holistic awareness.

Intellectual awareness is a function of the solar plexus chakra, where mental ability is developed in a linear direction. Examples of linear thought include the performing of arithmetic and the operating of machinery. In this mode of consciousness, people have learned to develop a rigid discipline of “seeing is believing” in order to discover what works and what doesn’t.

With holistic awareness, the heart chakra is developed, allowing issues of separation to be resolved and integrated. Holistic awareness means that mind, body & spirit are seen as closely related facets of the human being. This heart-centered awareness is a viewpoint of integration or wholeness which heals the fears and discords that come with solar plexus consciousness.

There is a paradox with moving from linear intellect to heart-centered consciousness. While the intellectual phase of consciousness may say that “Seeing is believing,” the holistic phase requires quite the reverse. In holistic consciousness, opposites are often both true as they are seen as opposite sides of the same coin or as polar opposites of the same issue.

Awareness that is limited to the intellect is subject to issues of separation; of us versus them, of struggling for resources that are perceived as scarce instead of solving the problem of their scarcity. Holistic awareness includes the idea that consciousness creates realities, that something must be created in consciousness – “believed” – before they can become a reality. Continue reading

Creating Your Reality…Laws And Disclaimers

Dana Mrkich – Different teachers use different words but we’re all really saying the same thing: “believe it and you’ll see it”, “ask, believe, receive”, “as ye shall ask, so shall ye receive”, “If you can see it and dream it, you can achieve it.”

believeThese are more than just inspirational quotes, they are laws of vibration and reality creation. I wish we were all taught this in school, but it’s never too later to remember these teachings and apply them to our lives.

One thing that is important to also know in conjunction with the above is the small print disclaimers that follow : “if it is truly meant for you”, “in the best most right divine timing”, “if it is for your highest good”. These aren’t the Universe covering itself just in case things don’t work out. They are laws working for you. Sometimes we think we want something, or someone, but our Soul can see what is up the road – something better, something more in alignment with who we really are – and so we are re-directed. Continue reading