Breaking A Delusion Of Cause And Effect

“Globalism depends, for its success, on the acceptance of Glob-u-lism.” – J Rappoport

globHuman beings tend to define themselves. They sum themselves up. They present themselves with a picture of what they are.

They may not do this with precision, but they do it. And the common factor is all about limitation because, after all, definitions involve drawing boundaries. Definitions describe what is inside those boundaries and exclude what’s outside. That’s limitation.

The most pervasive way this process is carried out is through making “the past” the great determinant of the present, as if the past is a series of links that, naturally, shape the ongoing Now.

“The past adds up to the present.”

Cause and effect.

It’s a nice neat package.

And if past history isn’t enough, people can resort to a vague idea of genetic determination. Or inherent and permanent IQ. Or the pressure exerted on them by their environment. More cause and effect.

Finally, you can add a cherry on the cake: open possibility for the future, if it exists at all, comes from the universe, or The Force, or the cosmos, squeezed out of a tube like toothpaste and passed to a person by the grace of a Something that responds to good behavior and patience. Continue reading