Balancing Ego: Navigate the Challenges of Self-Perception

Awaken CreatorsSteve Rother – Greetings from Home.

We join you this day from afar, watching the magical game that is unfolding on your planet. It is a wonderful time to be here and come together to celebrate unity. We see you quite differently than you see yourselves. You are creator beings, unaware that you are creator beings. And there are some fascinating things taking place with that.

Eris’s Feminine Imprint

Let’s journey back a few months to revisit the remarkable encounter Earth had with the planet Eris. This meeting marked a significant crossroad in our cosmic timeline, showcasing Eris’s rapid evolution and substantial balance.

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Solstice 2022 – some days the energy feels so heavy

Solstice 2022Nancy Leilah Ward – I am calling in my Arcturian Soul family to talk with me now – and anyone of the Vastness of Being who would like to speak as well. As we approach the Solstice, some days the energy feels so heavy.

“We are your Arcturian Soul Family and we speak to you now.

On days when you feel the heaviness of the planetary consciousness, stop your doing and take a moment to sit and breathe, go within, access your heart and find love. Continue reading

How To Let Go Of Overwhelm And Deeply Relax

trustJafree Ozwald – Have you become a bit over-stimulated and overwhelmed by the complicated fast-paced systems we are all operating within? As you may realize, we are living in very exciting times that can sometimes feel like a bit too much. The world and its consciousness are changing faster than ever before and sometimes our minds have trouble navigating these changes. You have a choice. You don’t have to let chaotic feelings of overwhelm rule your existence.

You can learn how to let go, relax, and remain receptive to what life has to offer you. You can choose to refocus your energies on creating a more relaxed and enjoyable way of living that deeply nourishes your body, mind, and soul. You can only reap all of the rich and fulfilling rewards life has to offer you when you live life from a relaxed, centered, and peaceful place. Continue reading

Breathe In Love And Light, Exhale Negativity

breatheKari Ghanem – How many times have we heard others say “breathe in love and light and breathe out negativity”? I have always been fascinated by this statement. It is used so many times in our spiritual communities whether it be yoga, workshops, meditation or the like. Yet one question has always remained for me.

If we are to breathe in love and light and healing yet our out breath contains negativity and hurt, what are we actually filling up our space with for our next breath? To me, it seems that if the masses around the world are breathing out negativity then although we proclaim to breathe in love and light are we not actually breathing in that which we have exhaled? Continue reading

The Answers are All in the Ocean…

Photo by Marina

The Angels – There is within each one of you a vast reservoir of love. There is, within your grasp, a profound universe of wisdom. You have the answers, the resources, the strength, and the courage to overcome any obstacle in your path.

You have within you the wisdom to discover the answer to any question. You have the love to light a path so brightly in front of you that you could never falter.

You have nothing less than the power that creates universes, working through you, for you, and from you to sustain and support each and every one of your dreams.

Close your eyes for a moment and breathe. Imagine that you are a wave upon the ocean. A deep presence rises up within you, shapes you, and moves you forward. You are never separate. The water is dynamic and moving within you. It is never the same. With each swell and trough you are created anew. The more you surrender to the power of the ocean within, the more you are moved effortlessly towards your destination.  Continue reading