Hero of Brexit’ Lord James of Blackheath Threatened over EU Defence Union

Lord Blackheath

UK Column Reporters – Lord James of Blackheath has been threatened with the police, told to retract the comments he made in the House of Lords on EU Defence Union, and is facing demands to resign and remain silent on the issue from now on.

On Monday last week, Lord James of Blackheath attended a conference held at the Royal United Services Institute entitled ‘EU Defence Union – the threat to democracy, industry and alliances’. The conference was also attended by, amongst others, NATO and Ministry of Defence advisor Professor Gwythian Prins and a number of former senior military officers.

The briefing covered the consequences for the UK if the defence and security sections of Theresa May’s Brexit ‘deal’ and its associated ‘Political Declaration on the Future Relationship’ are approved.

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Is Populist Boris Johnson a British Version of Trump?

Boris Johnson

Liberty Planet – The rise of populist political leaders has spread from country to country following the stunning success of President Donald Trump on everything from the U.S. economy to trade deals and national security.

America’s allies “across the pond,” as they like to say in the United Kingdom, recently elevated iconic populist Boris Johnson to prime minister. The similarities between the newly-appointed British leader and Trump are unmistakable.

From confident bravado to policies that amount to “Britain First,” Johnson’s striking resemblance to all things Trump has everyday Brits ecstatic, rival world leaders furious, and the liberal media suffering yet another meltdown. Continue reading

Brexit or no Brexit? That Remains the question!”

subconsciousJohn Scott – Have you noticed that the mere mention of the word ‘Brexit’ more often than not incurs the wrath or the joy, the pleasure or the pain, the clarity of thought or confused outrage, anger and hostility or smug self-satisfaction, among total strangers, work colleagues, politically or otherwise inclined friends and even among close and/or intimate relatives?

Of course, each and every individual ‘point of view’ is thoroughly justified…given their specific, respective ’viewpoint’ that has been influenced by their family, society, and culture. They are all correct in their own righ but they are all different because they are colored also by their respectively unique perspectives.

Overall, there are two major camps separating ‘Brexiteers’ and ‘Remainers’. A final category (not to mention the third option that consisted in ‘not voting’ at all) is one that conclusively establishes that: ‘Everyone shall see their wish come true and their desires fulfilled.’ Continue reading

Brexit Update and Working to Make Britain Great Again

Janice Atkinson – Hello my US cousins, I wish the UK had a leader like your president.

Instead we have a weak, indecisive, accidental prime minister in Theresa May. Weak because she cannot control her government, indecisive because no one knows what she stands for (a quote by Brexit Secretary David Davis, to me some years ago, and is still true today, particularly over Brexit), and accidental because the two front-runners in the prime ministerial race, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson had a public spat, caused by the former’s wife, which saw Mrs May rise from failed home secretary to prime minister. And she’s been a disaster ever since.

If we had Brexit-supporting President Trump at the negotiating table with the European Union, the art of the deal would have been struck by now. He would have taken the unelected and undemocratic Eurocrats into a private room – devoid of spin doctors and government flunkies – traded a deal and then announced it to the waiting press corps, just like with Kim in Sing. Continue reading