Allow The Shifts & Changes To Settle

spaceKate Spreckley – It has been a big month energetically which has enabled some incredibly powerful inner shifts and changes to occur. The energies over the past month have brought into focus the power we have to initiate and create a life that is guided and directed by our soul. As a result, our focus, values and what drives us has changed.

needed to find balance and to equalize.

Be mindful of your energy levels and what you are able to tolerate at this time.

© 2021 Kate Spreckley – Spirit Pathways

SF Source Spirit Pathways Jun 2021

Re-Grouping and Re-Orienting

Week Ahead Forecasts 21 – 28 July 2019

21 July – Venus opposite Pluto, Sun conjunct Mercury RX
22 July – Sun into Leo
24 July – Mercury RX conjunct Venus
25 July – Mars trine Jupiter
27 July – Venus into Leo

eclipseLorna Bevan – A deep outbreath! Finally, the Sun edges out of the crosshairs of the Saturn/Pluto eclipse zone and into his own sign of Leo. Venus in Cancer quickly passes through an opposition to Pluto this Sunday and joins the Sun in Leo on Saturday 27th.

It’s a week when the inner planets – Mercury, Mars and Venus – begin to re-align your head, heart and soul in the aftermath of last week’s end of an era lunar eclipse. A stunning Grand Trine in Fire between Jupiter, Mars and Chiron reminds you to have faith and hope for a better future whatever your circumstances. The Mercury /Sun and midweek Mercury/Venus conjunction deliver news or information that changes your perspective. Continue reading

May 2018 Energy Report

changesJennifer Hoffman – May 1 is traditionally known as May Day, which is both a celebration of spring, new growth, and fertility and the internally recognized distress call. It’s an interesting play of energies and a potent symbol of where we stand now. On one side we’re in distress and on the other we are stepping into our creative power. Which path will we focus on? One is the path of fear; the other is the path of transformation, evolution, and ascension.

One of May’s themes is the ‘eye of the needle’, which is symbolic for the birth we are undergoing where the doorway looks so narrow we don’t think we can possibly get through it. We can, but we have to release our energetic baggage first. It’s not easy but we already have a head start with all of the work we have been doing in the past few decades and since January 2018.

Are we going to ask for permission (May I?) or give ourselves permission (I May) to create the life, reality, and world we want to live in? That’s a key question this month. Continue reading

Life After the Eclipse (Part 2)

The deep effects of the August 21 solar eclipse that took place across your North American continent has continued to create both personal and planetary changes. Your bodies are going through certain adaptations related to the ongoing geomagnetic surges and increased solar activity and this is reorganizing and upgrading your body’s abilities to function within its 5th dimensional matrix. As your regulatory systems continue to shift into their new matrices, this may cause temporary stress within your mind and body. It is an excellent time to keep affirming peace and trust within your heart, mind and body.  – Masters Hilarion and Lady Pallas Athena

When the earth’s magnetic field goes through changes caused by natural or even unnatural events, it can cause disturbances, confusion or feelings of being overwhelmed for no apparent reason, as well as expanded creativity and feelings of joy. The very good news is that with the expanded awareness that is taking place within a growing percentage of Lightworkers, this heightened solar activity is also creating an expansion of consciousness that is leading to positive changes on many, many levels.

The solar winds that have been taking place around your world have been creating geomagnetic storms that have been bringing your DNA into a greater connection with the 5th dimensional unlimited levels of your consciousness. These changes may be precipitating feelings of being disconnected from your body and your old 3rd dimensional ways of living in your world, yet everything you are experiencing is really assisting you in moving into the crystalline levels of your consciousness. These dimension adjustments are preparing you for your complete return to 5th dimensional living. The feeling of being out of your body often accompanies the readjustments with these upgrades that are naturally supporting your living in heightened states of being. Continue reading

Turn 2017 into an Awesome Year

change2017 has the potential to becoming a truly great year. For many, 2016 was a little duller and gloomier than most years. Now is the perfect time to bounce back up and make this year an awesome year. To turn this dream into reality, however, you need to be willing to do the work and make some changes. Here are some of the best changes you can make to turn 2017 into a truly great year.

Go Back to School

Career can be the source of a lot of joy in 2017. The economy is growing and more businesses are expanding this year. This means there are more positions and jobs to fill, leaving you with a huge opportunity to advance.

Going back to school and pursuing a master’s degree is a great way to push your career forward. Some executive programs from top universities such as the University of Arizona can be completed in as little as 12 to 16 months. The market will be ready for you by the time you are finished with the master’s degree program.

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