The Benefits of Free-Range Play for Children

free range playPaul Lenda – When I was a kid, I was the definition of a free-range child. I was climbing trees since I was around seven, playing in the dirt, making debris dams while it was raining, and a whole number of other outdoor activities I or my friends came up with on our own. There were no parents, no artificially-orchestrated play dates with rules of what you could or couldn’t do, and no getting sucked into the digital matrix of screens and anything else emitting a discordant electromagnetic field.

Today, I’m 33 and have no allergies and no asthma. I feel fulfilled with the nostalgic remembrance of countless childhood experiences that helped form the foundation for the free-spirited and strong-willed adult I am today. Free-range play with other children helped me develop social intelligence and emotional intelligence. It helped me learn how to compromise, problem solve, make decisions for myself, and many other essential life skills. Continue reading