Global Consciousness And The Noosphere

“Some of us seem to dream of a noosphere. But we are already connected! We are living inside this sphere of souls. To look at the bigger picture, to see and feel it, we have to see more than just with our eyes, we have to feel more than with our body, we have to live from the heart. ” – D Lafont

chakras_ProofBodyProjectionOfConsciousnessIf you read this article you are probably one of those people who feel the connections around us and who feel there is something greater, something much larger than ourselves. We are indeed in a world made of connections and that is what gives us more energy and what makes us feel alive. The connections exist at different degrees and have different dimensions. There are connections with our past and our ancestors, with Earth and Nature or with animals. But immediately we think of connections between people, their mind, their ideas, their thoughts and consciousness.

The idea of a higher level of consciousness exists in ancient to modern forms of spirituality and philosophy. Many phenomenons also raise the question of a higher level of consciousness. Near death experiences (NDE), chamanism, out of body experiences, all of them open new perspectives. However, if the Eastern world and the ancient cultures have never forgotten the link with a greater spirit, the Western world has only started recently to make more efforts in this direction. Many projects like The Global Oneness Project[1], The Global Consciousness Project[2] or the World Shift Movement[3] aim to show the existence of this global consciousness. Other international initiatives participate in making people more connected through thoughts and ideas. A good example is the TED[4] inspirational talks with hundred of people who share their passion, show us the power of thoughts and suggest a higher connection.


Alfred North Whitehead, English mathematician and philosopher developed a comprehensive system. He asserted the essential inter-relationship of matter, space, and time; that objects may be understood as a series of events and processes. This concept was elaborated further to assert that the process of becoming constitutes the fundamental constituent of the universe. He stated: “nature is a structure of evolving processes. The reality is the process.” Continue reading

How Courageous We Are!

sorendreier September 20 2013

Almost forty years ago, when my second son was young, I started having dreams of an atomic bomb exploding. One time it was in a playground… another time I could see it in the distance. In every dream my son would be in my arms, my precious little baby, and I would be running and searching, experiencing tremendous fear. It was not a fear that he or we would die… it was a fear that his life would be worse than death, and I could not save him from it.

Well, no atomic bombs fell nearby, he lived and experienced easy and hard times, became daddy to two beautiful children, ­­made a good life for himself and his family, and happily for me, he kept on loving his ‘spiritually minded’ mother.

I don’t know what triggered the dreams. It could have been that I was tapping into the fear of the collective mind… also could have been the arguments going on at the time regarding nuclear power. I remember asking a business executive, “What about the radioactive waste… what about future generations?” He responded, “By that time they’ll have figured out how to handle it.” I heard my inner voice say, “I could never get with this person… he’s an absolute idiot.”

Well… I was young. Idiots are not absolute… they can change.  When the threat becomes immediate even the most cold-hearted can wake up… and I imagine quite a few have. But the point is, life has sent me into fear plenty of times, so I know how overwhelming, controlling and confining it can be.  And the funny thing about it… there is no benefit to it: being aware, yes; perceiving danger, yes; avoiding danger, yes; but fear… it’s a lose/lose.

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Internal Structures Of Ego

Energetic Synthesis August 12 2013

AscensionDear Ascending Family, During the Double Grand Trine astrological event at the end of July, we entered another period in the Ascension timeline which created a frequency split and a timeline split. This splitting in the timeline is that which narrows down the direction of the energetic pathway we are travelling. So during this time it is another shift forward that holds both endings and beginnings, many of us now being propelled into a new territory, direction, career, or residence. As each of us on the planet is pushed to makes choices from either the higher self or ego self, these mental attitudes define the parameter of energies that we exist within as the “multidimensional being”. This means our mental state greatly impacts the internal energies within our aura, and we can be sandblasted quickly by the boomerang of ego thoughts. It is clear that the quality of our mental state and thoughts are relevant to the quality of energies that we may experience in our daily life. As one can imagine asking the question, “how many thoughts are you having per day?” 50,000? 100,000? The amplified power behind the quality of vibrational energies that drives internal thoughts has greatly accelerated.

One reason is that the membranes that separated collective mind fields on the planet are in the process of dissolving. The dissolution of planetary mind membranes creates an expanding energy field of which contains more extremes of the collective mental energies which then coalesce together. As extreme energies coalesce (also known as polarity integration) this brings an increase of electrical charge and chaos to the environment. Further, the combination of these extreme collective mental energies can blend into our personal aura much more quickly. If one is not able to discern the quality of energy behind thoughts, it can embed in our aura and install layers of confusion which obfuscate the true circumstances.

Before, we would manifest outward behaviors relative to an internalized ego thought and there would be a consequence to that action that we could see playing out on the external. Now there is no external action required for the immediate consequence of the quality of internal thoughts. We are in a field which only the consistent state of internal thoughts is that which manifest instantaneously upon the internal and external simultaneously. Thus, our internal mental state and quality of thoughts have a great impact upon us before we even have the chance to act upon that thought. This is the difference we encounter now with the state of internal thoughts. The state of the Internal Structures of Ego has a great consequence to the quality of energy we experience throughout our daily life.

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