Understanding the Nature of Beliefs

Zen-Haven June 13 2013

By reviewing beliefs and feelings, you begin to understand how to use the Universal Law effectively. It is natural to yearn for the impossible and, in so doing, you establish strong beliefs about what can be done and what cannot.

You can jump a certain height and no higher, run at a certain speed and no faster, accept a certain position and no better.

Because most commercial aircraft fly at about 600 miles an hour, the shortest time in which you can get from New York to Paris is about six hours. Those are facts in the collective unconscious. But what if we told you of a man who could move his body many thousands of miles in just a few seconds?

Your mind would scan its memory banks and draw a blank, whereupon you might think, impossible. Then perhaps you might review all the scientific data available and conclude that this feat is unachievable.

All scientific knowledge and current thinking are products of the same collective unconscious, and just the fact that a billion people have no concept of a man moving three thousand miles in a few seconds makes it impossible. But the billions of people are wrong.

There is a dimension, right here on the earth plane, in which such a feat is possible, and there are a few people alive today who know of this dimension and use it. It is a matter of perception and belief.

Your ability to work miracles is predicated entirely on how easily and quickly you can give the collective unconscious the slip. It is your attachment to the collective unconscious, or world belief patterns, that holds you back.

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Dream Warriors

Zen-Haven April 9 2013

When you dream, meditate, or enter trance states and experience visions, you are basically entering into the collective human subconscious.

The collective human conscious and subconscious are not conceptual or hypothetical things. The collective conscious and subconscious exist as very real holographic fields of etheric forces, particles, and strings — the composition of human energy fields connected and woven together in the formation of a larger collective energy field of the overall whole.

Consciousness is Not What You Think. Consciousness is Not Your Mind. Consciousness is an Etheric Force — Beyond the Mind.

Your consciousness exists within a larger collective etheric field of consciousness. As such, some of the things that you see and experience within the dream state are reflections of your very own inner feelings, issues, opinions, and subconscious programming — and some things are not.

Some things are reflections of the underlying inner feelings, issues, opinions, and programming of the outer world around you. The collective human conscious and subconscious are riddled with fear and negativity. Why? Because fear and negativity are constantly drip fed into the minds of people through the media and 24/7 news. And even if you are wise enough to unplug — it doesn’t necessarily mean that the world around you does. And if the collective subconscious is riddled with fear and negativity — what would that do to one’s dreams?

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How To Become A Super Conscious Manifestor

Jafree Ozwald | December 17 2012

Collective UnconsciousYou are always manifesting something, whether you are conscious of it or not. You have manifested everything in your life from the shoes on your feet, to the amount of money in your bank, to the quality of every relationship in your life. The truth is you cannot stop manifesting. You are a super powerful manifesting being! So if you were to start consciously using this awesome power, what would you focus on manifesting into your life? Are you focusing on what you want from a place of hoping it will occur, or really trusting it will show up? Are you always conscious of how you are focusing on what you want, or do you tend to manifest things at an unconscious level out of habit? We are always sending out a vibrational energy into the Universe that boomerangs back to us in the form of physical manifestations which reflect the quality of this vibration. The question is what quality of energy are you putting into the thoughts you want to manifest?

“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” ~Brian Tracy

Perhaps you are simply humming along in life, living in a tick-tock 9 to 5 job with the TV as your companion without consciously asking yourself, “What kind of day do I want to manifest today?” Think about it. How would you like to FEEL at the end of today? When we are consciously manifesting, we are more specific, intuitive, and can create more energy around our dream. When we are unconsciously manifesting, we don’t exactly get what we really want. It tends to be more hit or miss. We get a little of this and a little of that.

“We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Marianne Williamson

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