Lift up the Rocks and See the Snakes

snakesClarice Feldman – As media polls continue to mislead about the state of the presidential race, there are many reasons to believe the Democrats are crazed with fear that they will be trounced more soundly this time — as they should be, given their nominees.

Here are some indicators to me: The majority of voters think they are better off now than they were four years ago; the crowds at Trump rallies are enormous and Biden can barely pull a 10-person minyan; outside of university towns there are few Biden-Harris signs up, but American flags (a safe sign when Trump signs would be stolen) are seen waving on front lawns and guns are flying off the shelves to people who have lost faith in their elected local officials to protect them. There are more, of course, but believe what the media would call your own lying eyes. Continue reading

Michael Krieger ~ The Seventy Percent

libertyblitzkrieg | October 25 2012 | Thanks, Kevin

Whoever expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization expects what never was and never will be. -Thomas Jefferson

Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. -George Carlin

Barack Obama

The Seventy Percent

People are going to be pissed off no matter who wins this election and that is a very important social dynamic I believe is vastly under appreciated by the majority of mainstream pundits and analysts out there.  This is also very distinct from the environment that prevailed in 2008.  Four years ago, the financial markets were crashing and the economic future of America was circling the toilet bowl, yet a majority of Americans embraced the potential of a young, inexperienced biracial politician from Illinois who was saying all of the right things.  Despite the gigantic disappointment he has proven to be as President, there is no denying that he had all of the Democrats and most Independents under his spell on this day four years ago.

Fast forward to 2012 and the county isn’t “divided” as mainstream media talking heads like to say.  The country is pissed off.  Genuine and legitimate frustration permeates the land from sea to shining sea and rightly so.  Ever since the banker coup of 2008, crony capitalism has been institutionalized as the only real way to make money.  If you aren’t connected or “too big to fail,” sorry but America isn’t the place for you.  What makes the economic nightmare so much worse is that it is being coupled with a complete and total decimation of civil liberties.  One by one the Bill of Rights is being ignored and indeed trampled on systemically by the political and economic oligarchs emboldened by their successful takeover of the executive, legislative and for the most part judicial branches of government.  Many Independents disagreed with Obama’s economic philosophy but gave him a pass because he promised to end the wars overseas and restore civil liberties.  Instead, what we got was a President who signed the NDAA on New Year’s Eve 2011, which included section 1021, allowing for the indefinite detention of American citizens without trial until the “end of hostilities.”  Well, because now know the Orwellian “war on terror” is never-ending, the indefinite detention is forever.  The worst part is that Obama claims he didn’t want these powers yet when a group of high profile plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against section 1021 and won a ruling deeming it unconstitutional, what was the President’s response?  He appealed it to death until he found a panel of judges to agree with him.  Not only did he want this power, he seems to crave it.  Another well deserved Noble Peace Prize.

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