This is the Place You Are All Moving Towards

Daniel Scranton – “We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We do not require anything of you, and yet you ask the world of yourselves. You ask yourselves to be everything that everyone else needs you to be, and you ask yourselves to clean up all of your ‘bad karma’ from other lives. You ask yourselves to do the impossible and be perfect so that you may ascend into a higher dimension. We suggest that you all take it easy on yourselves. See yourselves as being perfect already, and see yourselves as being on a journey. Continue reading

Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the Earth

Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the EarthDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are attending to several matters that exist both on Earth and throughout the galaxy simultaneously. There are of course, reflections to what is happening down there on Earth all throughout the galaxy, and we work to assist with not only the humans of Earth and what you are going through, but also with those you would consider to be ETs in other star systems on other worlds and moons and in space stations.

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Catching Sparks Of Light

Catching Sparks Of LightLorna Bevan – As December begins with all its pressure to be extravert and sociable even if you don’t feel it, take some time for yourself. There are important choices to consider, as Neptune and Jupiter – gas giant archetypes of imagination and dreaming large – turn direct, Mercury slows to turns retrograde and the Capricorn Solstice marks the midnight hour of the year.

This week, as Venus enters Scorpio on December 4th – reigniting unresolved issues from her 40 days retrograde in Leo last summer – the end of 2023 feels like the end of so many relationships; the end of many family arrangements. Yet endings bring beginnings and 2024 holds the possibility of something different. Continue reading

The Divinity Within and the Power of Love

The Divinity Within and the Power of LoveLeilah Ward – I have a question about the energy on this planet – there is a destructive energy that keeps repeating over and over again. It’s like we are stuck in a loop of hatred and greed, swirling and churning – along with love and compassion. As I write this, I am seeing this swirling energy of destruction and creation trying to form the Yin Yang symbol. The darkness of that symbol has been stronger than the light for far too long. Now, I’m seeing much more light in this swirling. So that’s hopeful.

We are seeing this energy of suppression and hatred running through leaders who are dictators and autocrats, and many people who claim to be religious but do not live a life of love as the Christ spoke of. They want to control the people, hoard the money and are addicted to power and the creation of suffering. These leaders influence people who are easily manipulated to follow and obey. They are petty and vindictive, small-minded, hateful beings who have no creativity or intelligence and are jealous of those who do. Continue reading

Unlocking the Secrets of ‘Big Heart’ Relationships

Unlocking the Secrets of 'Big Heart' RelationshipsJennifer Hoffman – Have you ever loved someone so much that you were determined to make the relationship work out, no matter what it took?

Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought everything in your life depended on it?

Have you ever felt that you would die if someone wasn’t in your life (maybe not physically die but you just cannot imagine living your life without them)? Continue reading