The Alchemy of Phi Crystals

CrystalJ Tyberonn – “Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light!

We once and always greet you. Warmly and lovingly, in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed we sense each of you personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words

And so another moment brings us together, uniting truth, understanding and wisdom through the matrix of the unified field, combining geometric thought pattern with desire, and awareness. And so do all things come together in the same way. For all thoughts, all things, all beings, are electromagnetic representations of consciousness, of manifestation, of all that ever was or ever will be. And so some things, some thoughts, some creations travel at more rapid speeds, more accelerated frequencies within the matrix.

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Crystal Core

crystal Lisa Renee – Currently, there is immense activity occurring underground as the result of the earth’s Crystal Core activation. This has ignited new arterial pathways running liquid crystal frequencies throughout the earth’s crystalline grid, establishing new circuitry and lightbody code in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal intergalactic communication lines.  This is very encouraging and seems to be a part of the morphogenesis happening now, where changes in the quality of energy in a system allow profound changes in the expression of that energy into a variety forms and structures.

The earth’s Crystal Core structure is shifting, which has radically impacted the earth’s interior and subterranean areas, as the physical and chemical properties of matter are adjusting to the change that has been made to the planet’s core crystal structure. This is adjusting the layers of the atmosphere of earth, which further changes the atmospheric temperature and pressure in the different layers that are creating unique patterns within the densities.

As a result of global changes occurring in atmospheric pressure, ascension symptoms may be experienced related to compression or decompression factors that are happening within the physical body. The physical body is working harder to adapt to these pressure changes, and this shift in the core has direct impacts upon blood, blood pressure and heartbeat rhythm. Thus, it is important to take steps to regain balance through a healthier lifestyle, finding inner stillness and meaningful connection in our lives in order to reduce stressors upon the body. Continue reading

Unakite: The Crystalline Key to Love, Heart Healing, and Physical Well-Being

UnakiteAdrienne Goff – Have you been feeling emotionally triggered lately? If so, you are not alone. Energetic intensity has been a theme of 2017’s first chapter. Due to a convergence of cosmic factors and increasing planetary light levels, our issues are bubbling to the surface right now.

We can see this happening on a personal and collective level, which is ultimately a gift to help us heal and release them once and for all. And the month of February always has a way of highlighting our emotions in bright neon yellow. Valentine’s Day is like a mirror that shows us what is happening in our hearts and relationships. It’s a time of reflection, in all senses of the word! If you don’t like what you are seeing, it is time to grab Unakite—a beautiful stone that clears old patterns on the emotional and physical levels. And if you do like what you are seeing, Unakite can expand the love in your life and make it even more beautiful.

EnergyUnakite is a lovely composite of pink Feldspar, red Jasper, and green Epidote. It has very pleasing color combinations that range from moss to pistachio green entwined with pink, peach, and faint red. These colors are related to the heart chakra, making Unakite a stone that nurtures, heals, and balances the emotional body. When your heart chakra is in the proper balance, you have the ability to take in all of the good that life is offering and to not allow in negativity that is around you. You are more easily able to deal with natural fluctuations in relationships and to respond appropriately. And you experience more harmony, compassion, and positive connection. Wearing Unakite jewelry, keeping it in your pockets, or working with it regularly will help you stay in this balanced heart space.

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Vesuvianite: Support Stone For The Lunar Eclipse

VesuvianiteAdrienne GoffWe are currently in a powerful window of time, punctuated by eclipses and positioning each of us to step into a brand new personal reality. The solar eclipse and the spring equinox on March 20th could have instigated a major clearing process, causing certain chapters to end so that new ones can begin. On the horizon is a total lunar eclipse, happening the day before Easter on April 4th. Lunar eclipses are known to cause big shake-ups that produce startling realizations, major change, endings, and new beginnings. Since they coincide with the full moon, emotions are heightened and what is hidden in the subconscious comes up to be healed. The April 4th full moon is in Libra, which highlights cooperation, harmony, and balance in relationships. Some of our most important relationships might be tested at this time. Any issues that surface can cause either healing or an end to the relationship. This time period of eclipses encourages each of us to really tune into our inner knowing and to get crystal clear about any changes we need to make. Vesuvianite is the perfect stone to support us through it all.

VesuvianiteVesuvianite, also known as Idocrase, exudes a powerful yet smooth energy that feels like the loving and healing touch of the Divine Feminine. It can be yellow, yellow-green, pink, purple, red, brown, grey, or white; but it is most commonly seen in yellow-green and pinkish-purple. Vesuvianite helps you to tune in and to access your higher self. It assists you in hearing the inner voice of your heart and soul that is guiding you to your true mission. Meditation with Vesuvianite can show you what your greatest potential and calling is in this lifetime, and it can also reveal what is standing in your way in terms of subconscious thought patterns and beliefs, old emotions, or life circumstances that are blocking you.

Vesuvianite increases clairsentience, or the ability to feel energy, so you might be able to actually feel where these blockages are residing in your body. Once you get a sense of where the blockages are, you can place Vesuvianite over these areas to dissolve them on an energetic level, once and for all. The next step might require action on your part, such as doing work to heal or release a relationship, job, or role that is not aligned with your highest path. Vesuvianite helps you find the inner courage and strength needed to make necessary changes in your life. The eclipse time period will perfectly support this kind of transformative work. Continue reading

Accessing Your Higher Guidance With Crystals

My Spirit Team: “So you want to go on mission to Planet Earth during the Shift of the Ages?”

Me (with stars in my eyes): “Yes, I really think I can make a difference and help people.”

My Spirit Team: “Now you realize you will be going in blind, with total amnesia about who you really are and what you came there to do, right? And everyone else down there will also being dealing with a veil of forgetfulness. As children, you will all naturally soak up the social, cultural, political, and religious programs from the collective consciousness, some of which you must find a way to dismantle if you want even a slight glimpse of higher truth and light. And when you start to go against the grain of mainstream thought, you might hit some significant turbulence. It will not be easy. You understand this, right?”

Me (in full confidence): “Yes, I know I can do it!”

My Spirit Team: “You also realize that Earth is a free will planet. The full spectrum of experience is absolutely allowed there. Some people choose to create from a space of love and goodwill, while others create from a space of fear and control. Those in the latter category have amassed power and created large-scale systems that are not for the highest good of all. And many people have bought into it all. Are you prepared to live in this matrix? Do you think you will be able to rediscover your connection with Source, stay in balance, function in the reality, and still share your highest spiritual gifts in a way that positively impacts people and the planet?” Continue reading