How to Exit the Roundabout of Non-Commitment

lifeKristen Yates – The energy of commitment is magic. Absolute magic.

This week marks six months that I’ve been in Peru working with Huachuma – and let me tell you, if you had told me a year ago that I’d abandon my digital nomad lifestyle to spend half a year working with plant medicine, I never would have believed it. But it turns out, the energy of commitment is vital to create forward motion in our lives – and it’s something I’ve been rather unconscious of for most of the past ten years traveling the world, flitting from thing to thing fiercely determined to live my life open-ended, experiencing it all but never truly landing in my path. Continue reading

Angel Messages For October 24 – 30, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – Your emotional and psychic sensitivity continue to increase this week. You will receive accurate messages through your dreams, intuition, and signs.

You’ll get in touch with your spiritual power to create and manifest. You’ll find that you have the courage to make positive changes, especially with the support of your empowering prayers.

You may feel extra-emotional as you receive intuitive truths and realizations. Prayer will help you to make decisions and bring you support and courage to enact those decisions.

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Oct. 2016

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Angel Messages For July 27 – Aug 2 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

It’s a week where you clearly decide to make your life more fun and joyful. No more drudgery — you are determined to have a career and home life that’s pleasurable and meaningful.


Although the full moon energy and Venus, Saturn and Uranus in retrograde may trigger feelings of tiredness in you, you still have the mental energy to make important decisions. You will now lead with your Higher Self instead of listening to fear-based or lack-based beliefs.

Although the energies may be harsh around you, you’re able to gather your strength this week to make personal decisions that are healthful . . . and you don’t let anything pull you down. You take your life into your own hands, instead of worrying about others’ opinions. It’s definitely a week of strong independence which moves your life purpose forward in important ways.

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Why Is It So Difficult To Find The Motivation To Do Something Big?

“As awesome as the mind can be, it can also be incredibly crippling, especially if we let every thought, story and past experience that it is capable of bringing up almost instantaneously impact the level of motivation that we feel.” – M DeNicola

MotivationOn January 10th of this year I finished writing the script to a feature film that I felt not only passionate about but excited to share with the world. A script that as I wrote it, I felt that I was definitely going to bring into production almost immediately. I have the necessary tools, connections and resources to make it possible (at least at the independent level) yet here I am well over a week into June and I’m still yet to bring it out of the pre-production stage. The passion for the story still exists, as does the desire to share it with the world, it’s the motivation that seems to be missing, and that’s the part I’d like to focus on.

What Exactly Is Motivation?

Webster’s online dictionary defines motivation as the condition of being eager to act and/or work; or alternatively as the force that causes someone to do something. (1) At times motivation can be easy to come by, a couple of common examples where this is often the case -although not always -are the motivation to play a favourite sport, to pack for an upcoming trip or even to have sexual intercourse. Whether these specific examples apply to you or not, we all know from experience that when motivation does exist, things just seem to not only be that much more enjoyable but they often tend to go a lot smoother.

The Role & Power Of The Mind

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