How To Be Free From Right And Wrong

How To Be Free From Right And WrongJafree Ozwald – Have you ever had to make a challenging decision and thought, “Is this the right path to take?” or perhaps you had a bigger question such as “What am I supposed to do with my life?”

Many of us are caught up in believing that if we can make the right decisions, stay on the “good” path and off the “bad” path, we will be rewarded in some way. This may be true to some degree, yet in the grand plan our soul is on an infinite journey and is interested in something much bigger. Continue reading

Desperation Is Not An Aphrodisiac

“You are given the gifts of the gods, you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” ~ Seth

Jafree Ozwald – The Universe is always showering you with abundance. It’s constantly blessing you with love, creativity and life. It’s perpetually giving you energy through the Sun, oxygen in the air, your food, water, and the electric pulse of your beating heart. This gift of energy is what makes you a vibrantly alive human being.

Anytime we feel needy, desperate, lacking, or in a state of demanding desire we’ve simply forgotten about these blessings which the Universe is offering. We’ve become ungrateful towards life and are trapped in the illusion of lack. Whenever we stop appreciating life, life stops appreciating us, and your typical flowing “easy day” suddenly becomes a perpetually challenging painful adventure. Continue reading

Heart Awakening: Human Freedom And Creativity In Unity Consciousness

Multidimensional Humanity June 10 2013

consciousnessAfter living on Earth for many thousands of years within an isolating and low energy matrix, humanity is now interacting with a higher frequency oscillation that is emanating from higher dimensions through the galactic center and throughout the entire energetic system of the galaxy. These frequencies are then transduced and transmitted by the Sun to the Earth. In sequence, the Earth then transforms these energies in communication with all life on the planet.

The higher frequency energy is part of a Divine timing sequence of elevating the Earth and human consciousness. The higher dimensional information and consciousness is interacting with humanity in a harmonic resonance that is assisting humanity to awaken and remember our true infinite being. The awareness and expression of humanity’s infinite Divine consciousness in soul and spirit through the consciousness vehicle of mind and body has not been lived on Earth for several hundred thousand years.

As a result of an infiltration of an inharmonic fear-based conflict, control, and separation conditioning into human consciousness, humanity has searched outside for rules, leadership, and systems of living that would express true human nature. All of the historical systems of culture have been part of a deception that has conditioned a false fear-based view of human nature. All of the systems organize external ideas and impress that humanity must become something that it is not by nature—the thoughts on the change of our being include salvation, transformation, enlightenment, alchemy, etc.

The False Conditioning of Humanity in a Fear-based External Control System

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How To Create An Enlightened World

Jafree Ozwald | May 27 2012

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life, which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

You are much more powerful than you have ever imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything you desire, just by continuously holding your positive attention upon it. This one tiny piece of knowledge is enough to create a massive transformation in your own life, and enlighten millions of people all throughout the planet.

Yes! You are a powerful divine being who can easily sculpt the world around you just like an artist sculpts a hunk of clay. That’s right! You have always been and will always be human and divine. You are both! Yet, the most important thing is to realize you are already are a natural manifesting being who has the power to instantly and effortlessly sculpt this beautiful world you live in.

It’s very important that you understand how you were born powerful beyond measure, because it is something that cannot be taken away from you. Yes, there is nothing you can do to change this. No matter how low you feel, you will always be The One creating your reality. Every thought you think is forming the world around you and inside you. And best of all, it is all coming from a divine unlimited source that is all-loving.

Simply realize and feel this intimate connection to an Unlimited Source of Energy, Love, Divine Intelligence and a Universal Wisdom is within you at all times. The moment you own this hidden “enlightening” power within you, it will be unleashed. As you let it out onto the world around you, you will see that you will be able to manifest anything! The more often you give it away, the deeper you realize that is a power that no one can take away. With this understanding you are truly free.

“You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.” ~Rumi

To start manifesting an enlightened world around you this week, all that is needed is a constant positive focus of your energy on the image and feeling of what an enlightened world is like for YOU!! See it as if it has already occured. Ok…so how does it feel to already be living in an enlightened world? Notice how will you sleep tonight knowing that your enlightened world is already here. What do you want your new improved version of your enlightened world to look and feel like tomorrow morning? Write out a full description of the kind of world you want to co-create. Spend a few minutes a day improving upon it, always thinking as if is already here now. Focus your mind on it and notice how good you feel after you’re done reading it!

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Remain In A State Of Curiosity

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 8 2011

Have you ever noticed that you simply cannot experience suffering when you are living in a state of curiosity?

When you are in a place of wonder, awe and child-like playfulness, you cannot create anything but joy, gratitude and love.

The mind is a very playful mechanism and when you let it roam the Universe freely you will see it is joyfully willing to learn and experience everything new.