Is Memory Care Covered by Medicare?

Is Memory Care Covered by Medicare?Did you know that more than 6 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related form of dementia? These conditions can have a profound impact on memory, cognition, and daily functioning, leading to considerable emotional and practical burdens. As the population ages, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is expected to increase, making it increasingly important to advance research, improve diagnosis, and develop effective treatments and support services.

If you or a loved one is facing the challenges of memory loss, you may be wondering: Does Medicare pay for memory loss? Understanding what Medicare does and does not cover for memory care can be complex.

In this discussion, we will explore the eligibility requirements, the types of memory care services covered, and the alternatives available if Medicare falls short. Let’s tackle the world of memory care and discover what options are available to you. Continue reading

Unlock Better Sleep and Quality of Life for Memory-Impaired Individuals

Unlock Better Sleep and Quality of Life for Memory-Impaired IndividualsJohn Patterson – In the quest for enhancing the quality of life and sleep among those grappling with memory issues, a pioneering study led by the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Penn Nursing) shines a beacon of hope.

Delving into the realms of nonpharmacological interventions, this research, published in Innovation in Aging, explores the effectiveness of the Healthy Patterns Sleep Program, offering a new horizon for individuals and their care partners seeking relief and improvement without the reliance on medication. Continue reading

Government by Punchline

Joe Biden demented and incompetentRick Fuentes – It has taken just a year and a half for Joe Biden to mature into a caricature attached to a teleprompter. It is a sad state of affairs that our allies and enemies have learned not to take Biden at his word, instead withholding judgment until White House adjutants have issued clarifications, walk-backs, or reversals.

Whether off on road trips or at 1600 Pennsylvania, cleaning up the fumbles and missteps is the price tag attached to a high maintenance head-of-state in constant need of memory care and a full-body harness. Continue reading

Rand Paul: Biden’s Cognitive Decline Is A National Security Risk

BidenNiamh Harris – Senator Rand Paul has claimed that President Biden’s declining mental faculties present a “national security risk” that could even escalate the Ukrainian conflict into “a world war”

Biden appeared to call for the removal of Russian President Vladimir Putin from power, before walking back the statement and then making it again.

Rand Paul told Fox News : “A lot of times when you’re around somebody who’s in cognitive decline, you find yourself trying to help them with a sentence, trying to help them complete it” and added that “we shouldn’t have to do that for the commander-in-chief.” Continue reading

82-Year-Old Woman With Dementia Gets Her Memory Back

Mark Hatzer & Sylvia

Alanna Ketler – Recently, an 82-year-old woman who suffered from dementia, who couldn’t recognize her own son has miraculously got her memory back after changing her diet.

When his mother’s condition became so severe that for her own safety she had to be kept in the hospital, Mark Hatzer almost came to terms with losing another parent.

Sylvia had lost her memory and parts of her mind, she had even phoned the police once accusing the nurse who were caring for her of kidnap.

A change in diet, which was comprised of high amounts of blueberries and walnuts, has proven to have had a strong impact on Sylvia’s condition that her recipes are now being shared by the Alzheimer’s Society.

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