White, Woke Elites Have Alienated Everyone

Daniel Roman – Now falls the winter of Democrats’ discontent. Supply chains are broken. If the empty shelves as Christmas approaches don’t ruin the holidays, fear over the new Omicron variant of COVID-19 might do the trick – at least in Democratic states where the usual suspects are already calling for renewed restrictions.

At least another COVID-induced economic slowdown might halt the inexorable rise of gas prices. For Democrats who believed that losing Virginia and almost losing New Jersey on November 3 was rock bottom, the last four weeks must have raised the question, “How much worse can it get?” The answer is worse. Much worse. Continue reading

President Trump’s SOTU Affirmed Liberty to Unresponsive Subversives

communismE. Jeffrey Ludwig – An hour before Pres. Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address, I opened my mail.  It included a thank-you note regarding a contribution I had made to a right-wing organization.  The author of the note quoted Nikita Khrushchev, who said, “You Americans are so gullible.  No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you finally wake up and find you already have communism.”  The author of the thank-you note was revolted by this remark by N.K. and knew I would be as well.

I grew up during the Cold War and understood that communism was not merely an alternative theory of politics and economics to that held by most Americans, but was a living and breathing threat to our freedom emanating 24-7 from the USSR, the PRC, and a determined fifth column of traitorous leftists living in these United States.  Our conflict with communism was not a mere academic or drawing room debate between gentleman-scholars.  Rather, the ardent supporters of communism wished to extract the essence of our freedom and opportunities from our society. Continue reading

The Religion of Leftism

leftismBruce Walker – Leftism pretends to be a system of thought, but it is nothing more or less than a secular religion.  It is godless, but godlessness is the most bigoted and intolerant of all belief systems, and the Ultra-Orthodox Church of Atheism adheres to no doctrine more fanatically than the impossibility of a Blessed Creator.  That accounts for its worship of Darwinism – evolution by natural selection – even though many great agnostic scientists like Sir Fred Hoyle have demonstrated the impossibility of Darwinism.  It also explains the deliberate misnaming of theories other than Darwinism as “Creationism,” although even the most average honest mind grasps that Creationism and Intelligent Design are independent theories.

What is the religious dogma of leftism?  There are several sacraments, each made utterly resistant to treason, experience, or logic by the druid clergy of leftism.  (1) There are immutable classes of victims and victimizers beyond remediation except through a constant procession of human sacrifices.  (2) There are institutions that demand more and more resources and that can never been considered failures.  (3) Nations are to be compressed into provinces of a world government and peoples into a single undifferentiated humanity. Continue reading

Gender Confusion: A Tool of the Left

genderPeter Skurkiss – The Democratic Party has gone off the deep end in many more ways than just pushing socialism.  One sign is the fanatical embrace of identity politics, which has become the hallmark of the Party of Obama (POO).  Look at Vermont.  There, the Democrats’ primary race for governor was won by Christine Hallquist.

What is unusual is that Hallquist calls himself a “transgender woman.”  To put it more accurately and without any politically correct gloss, Hallquist is a male pretending to be a woman.  His pretending isn’t all that convincing, as evidenced by this YouTube clip from Time magazine.

It’s worth a minute’s time to see Hallquist to connect a face and a voice to the name and see what the Democrats are pushing.

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Devolution of Western Society – false flags on the horizon

Leo Lyon Zagami – This picture sums up the present moral decline of the West as Cultural Marxism is clearly evident in the daily manipulation that psychologically wills us to accept this as normal.

Democratic Party

The increasingly controlled media of the New World Order, and now the giants of Silicon Valley, have begun the final stage of their plan to shut any voice of dissent, before they kick-start another season of lies, murders, and treason on a national and an international level, to bring down their number one enemy, Donald J. Trump.

For the last few months, experts have been warning about the rising risk of a major false flag event to take place in the US just before the mid-term elections. Something manufactured by the left to influence the upcoming vote, possibly blaming a Trump supporting right-wing terror group, or an Iranian one, so they can force Trump into another useless war.

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