DNA – Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

DNA1The Golden One (22nd Teaching) ~ Your DNA is made up of four elements of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen which consist of 64 amino acid codes. The DNA is an amplifier, which when vibrates, attracts the Quantum Particles of atoms and molecules which brings matter into manifestation. The more vibratory your DNA is the louder the amplification, the more frequency is produce which attracts the matter necessary to bring your manifestations into a reality. Only a small fraction of the amino acid codes in your DNA are “Turn-On”, approximately 20 of the 64 amino acid codes are active or “Turn-On.” What is causing such a low number of the amino acid codes within your DNA from not being “Turn-On” is most of souls are vibrating at a slower rate. There are two emotions which determines the vibratory rate of your DNA, LOVE and FEAR.

LOVE has a very high and rapid vibratory rate while FEAR has a very long and low vibratory rate. By allowing FEAR to occupy your consciousness, you vibrate at a long and low rate, which skips over the amino acid codes. If you consciously replace the FEAR with LOVE in your consciousness, you would vibrate higher and more rapid, consciously activating more amino acid codes in your DNA, creating a frequency to attract more Quantum Particles of matter, which would quickly bring your manifestations and dreams into a reality. Continue reading