How To Dissolve Negative Emotions Into Emptiness

StormSkyWaterSurfBoardGiovanni Dienstmann – Do you sometimes feel oppressed by negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, shame, worthlessness, or depression? Are you open to discover a way to overcome them – transcend them – that requires no medication nor years of psychotherapy? I have good news for you.

Ancient wisdom traditions of the East – such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism – have put a lot of study into the human body and mind, for thousands of years, with the goal of transcending human suffering. With centuries of devoted experiments, revelations, and insight, they discovered that all these negative emotions are not natural to our true being – they belong to the realm of the ego, our mistaken identity.

Following a certain set of contemplative practices and some lifestyle tweaks, these masters discovered their true being, and saw that in this place these negative emotions do not live. Out of their compassion and sense of oneness with all beings, they then spent their life teaching us how to find this space of freedom, of peace, of bliss. The insights and techniques that I share in this article come from the Buddhist traditions, and the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Dissolving Negative Emotions

Every single thought, feeling or sensation that we have is, by its very nature, impermanent. It comes and goes. It comes from emptiness, exist for a small period of time inside our system, and then subsides again into emptiness. If you would simply perceive everything that happens to you (and in you) as a temporary phenomena inside you consciousness, see it for what it is, and let it go when it goes, you would not have any problems. Basically, all suffering would disappear. Continue reading

Common Ways Of Transmuting Emotional Energies


Michelle Walling, CHLC – Relationships are a gift whether you are on the giving end or the receiving end. Being able to share consciousness with another human being is a balancing act. There are 5 common ways of transmuting emotional energies that may cause conflicts within a relationship.

What do you do if you are suddenly the recipient of unwarranted anger or negative emotions? Our innate programming usually leads us to defend ourselves which is a natural deflection and return of these negative energies. One of the ego’s roles is that of protection and this action creates a behavioral pattern that can be broken with awareness and intention.

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Does Consuming Kratom Help To Reduce Lethargy In Adults?

kratomPeople having trouble with low energy levels are looking for alternative solutions. Pills, coffee, and energy drinks have proven to be ineffective. As a result kratom has exploded on the western market in the past couple of years.

Many people have tried gold kratom for a variety of uses. One of the reasons kratom has become so popular is its energy-boosting effects. Not only can kratom help people suffering from lethargy, but it’s also completely natural dietary supplement with no added artificial substances. Continue reading

The Healing Power of Moral Treatment

moral treatmentDavid R. Hamilton, Ph.D. – In 1796, English Quaker, William Tuke, founded the York Retreat at Lamel Hill in York, UK. Its purpose was to help people recover from mental health problems, but with one difference from the norm at the time. The treatment they received came to be known as moral treatment. Its philosophy was kindness. And it was highly successful.

It was a reaction against the seemingly inhumane and brutal asylums at the time, where one of Tuke’s own family members had spent some time. In these asylums, people suffering with depression were locked away and treated as ‘mad’. Continue reading