Plant Medicines, The Doors of Perception

Plant Medicines, The Doors of Perception

James Tyberonn – Greetings Masters! …Rejoice for it is a time of great awakening on the Earth plane. The Earth and all of her kingdoms are transitioning to great and greater consciousness. Life is enriching.

We would say to you that there is even greater life that circles about and above your planet now wishing to enter into your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold logic, it does not hold vision, it is not the light of promise but it is the light of wellness and we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately and this is only achieved by intent. Continue reading

The Play of Deception and Illusion of the 3D Game

control gridJoe Weaver  – Hello all, I’ve been watching very closely what the next card our friends of deception will be playing. There are a lot of things currently playing out. From a trillion dollar lawsuit that is being waged by a group of countries, to the pending invasions of more countries, to the continued actions to try and collapse the world economies.

There is a lot of stuff going on in the 3D game. It’s like a Hollywood movie or grand play with an orchestrated series of events planned out to happen over a period of time. All meant to keep the minds of the people looking outwards for dependence and focused on fear. Instead of allowing them to look within for independence, love, empowerment and solidarity. The only determining factor of how this movie/grand play, plays out is what reactions that the orchestrated events get out of the people. Continue reading

The Difference Between Density And Dimension

densityMichelle Walling, CHLC – It is difficult to place a linear description on something that we cannot understand with our five senses. Are we moving into the fifth dimension or the fourth density? The answer could be both, depending on where the human consciousness resonates to and how the densities and dimensions overlap.

The following is a definition of a Density according to Tom Montalk from his website’s glossary:

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Everything Is An Expression Of Love


Jafree Ozwald – All negative thoughts and feelings are simply love under pressure. Every action you take and every word you speak is an expression of love.

Anger, sadness, greed and guilt are just contracted forms of energy that originally came from love, yet were contorted by the mind.

If you look closely, you’ll find that everything in this Universe comes from love. This may be a radical idea to digest and religiously implement in your personal belief system, yet I invite you to try on these new prescription “love glasses” for a week or two. The slightest change in ones perspective can dramatically shift everything! Continue reading

The Eight Stages Of Self-Awareness

The Eight Stages Of Self-AwarenessAA Michael – We have explained in the past but will refresh your memory about what is taking place as you traverse the many levels and sub-levels of consciousness. As you clear the distortions within your auric field, there is also an internal process taking place.

Your entire physical structure is undergoing complex changes which are triggered by the higher frequency patterns you are integrating from the Creator Source via the great cities of light. Your DNA, your chakra centers and your sacred heart/mind contain your divine blueprint.

As you integrate more and more adamantine particles of Creator consciousness, all the distortions/imperfections that you have created because of the negative concepts you have accepted as your truth are slowly being rectified.

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