The Ultimate Distraction

“There is nothing worse for the lying soul than the mirror of reality.” Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: reflections on life and the Human Experience

The Power of Distraction

distractionElva Thompson – Encyclopedia Britannica defines distraction as: something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention. Something that amuses or entertains you so that you do not think about problems, work, etc. A state in which you are very annoyed or upset.

Distraction…it’s everywhere in our materialistic culture. It shouts at us through friends and relatives, cell phones, TV,  computers, facebook, twitter, comment sections, politics, fake news and the entertainment or should I say, the distraction industry. We live in constant fear of a dozen kinds of holocausts; climate change, solar shot, methane, pole shift, ice age, pollution, nuclear war, terrorism, disease, poverty, poisonous food and water. The list of nebulous terrors waiting to engulf us is endless and many spend their lives distracting themselves to cover up there fear and apprehension of what might lie ahead.

There is so much information, disinformation and distraction in the media and our every day lives, it’s enough to make our heads spin…and spin they do. It’s no wonder we live in a state of confusion/distraction and information overload.

The busy mind

The mind of Impostor Consciousness[see my article] cannot be quiet and has to be constantly distracted. It has no inner being, cannot observe itself, and can only live through our emotions: our loves, intrigues and entanglements, our disappointments, fear and woes. It is a shell of desire, and when not tempered with spiritual understanding creates conflict within and without, for physical reality is nothing more than a mirror of human thinking. Continue reading

Humanity Is Not Always Blind

blindPaul Rosenberg – These words (which I picked up from Abraham Joshua Heschel) are true, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Humanity may be blind – willingly blind – for sickening lengths of time, but mankind is not always blind.

Our present government/corporate culture – the loud, flashing, vapid cloud of distraction and fear that surrounds us – not only promotes blindness toward anything outside of itself, but requires this blindness for its very continuance; this is true.

Still, man is not always blind.

Back Then

I will begin making my point with an old example:

Would you expect thousands of peasants, in deepest medieval France, to walk for scores or even hundreds of miles, through early 12th century mud and wilderness, and to sleep outdoors, just to hear a philosopher teach? A man who was rejected by Church and secular authorities, and who was mutilated beside? Continue reading