Scientists Prove Organic Food More Nutritionally Rich Than Conventional, GMO Crops

“. . . rely on small, organic farms more than Big Ag prototypes; it’s often the little guy who cares for his carrots and Swiss chard like he would his own children . . .” – C Sarich

OrganicProduceIt’s always interesting when biotech shills spout a bunch of their credentials on posts about GMOs, complaining that there is no scientific proof that genetically modified organisms are bad for our health, bad for the environment, or bad for food sustainability. But here’s something positive. In researching the true nutrition of food that is grown organically (without pesticides and herbicides, as GMOs are), one scientist that is well respected in her field found some revealing evidence showing how non-GMO, organic foods are better for us. Read on to learn more.

Many GMO-advocates are probably aware of the fact that genetically modified crops contain higher levels of pesticide residues than conventional crops. But what about organic vs. GMO when it comes to nutrient content? You can argue with a biotech scientist all day long, and they’ll tell you there is no difference, but they are flat wrong. It’s no straw man – there is real evidence that organic produce is better – in a number of ways.

You can blame it on a Stanford study that started this whole debacle. Their meta data did tell us that:

“. . . published literature lacks strong evidence that organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional foods.” 

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Judge Dale, Ret’d ~ The Missing 13th Amendment

District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871Judge Dale – On or about March 20, 2013, the New Hampshire Legislature passed HB 638, recognizing Article XIII, known by few as: “The Missing 13TH Amendment,” missing from the organic Constitution of the United States of America. The legislative analysis offered described a trite but secret history of this mystical amendment, which I have encapsulated as follows:

During the American Civil War, the country was under Marshal Law by President Lincoln and after the War, Lincoln’s policies were to be abated and everything was supposed to return to normal but it didn’t happen quite that way. Congress passed the Organic Act of 1871, which created a government corporation within the District of Columbia, called: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This new government corporation replaced the Municipal Charter for the District of Columbia, a move that egregiously led to the fraudulent rewrite and adoption of what appeared to be the organic American Constitution. This erroneous rewrite is described as a corporate “mission statement” with the original 13TH Amendment “omitted” and it was this Constitutional rewrite that was inadvertently published for all to see.

Members of royalty, PhD’s, lawyers, squires and bankers, “Titles of Nobility,” have left a historic wake of deceit, destruction and corruption behind them on this planet. I would like to believe it was the majority intent of the Founding Fathers and the first federal convention to shield America from those proven elements of destruction and corruption. In so doing they proposed and ratified several amendments, one being Article XIII or the 13th Amendment, specifically designed to bar candidates who held such “Titles of Nobility,” from ever holding a seat in government! Each year since 1871, Lincoln’s Martial Law has been renewed by Congress and currently, all state and federal governments are dominated by legislators with “Titles of Nobility.” What was once regarded as a service to country is now a political career.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens at all, you can bet it was planned that way.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

The described “omission” of Article XIII [the missing 13th Amendment] and the “mission statement” – the fraudulent copy of the organic constitution – initiates the following ten [10] questions, which I answer as succinctly as I can.

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