Learn to Trust in Your Own Answers

Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical. Communicate deeply within your self and learn to trust in your own answers.

consciousnessShanta Gabriel – You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully.  When the ancient philosophers stated “Know Thyself,” they were talking about the power of Self-awareness.  This means not just one’s consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves.  To truly know oneself means a real discernment of your self as a multi-dimensional being.

You have the power within you to know planes of reality beyond the three-dimensional world in which you live.  In fact, developing an awareness of these other states creates a link to the joy and love so many are seeking.  These qualities you truly desire in life are beyond the physical plane.  They exist in the expanded state of consciousness that is your bond with God, the Source of your very being.  To commune within your self is to find these qualities.  It requires a willingness to see beyond your outer self, and to take the time necessary to create a conscious awareness of the love and light within you. Continue reading