The Secret to Finding Peace with Negativity

The Secret to Finding Peace with NegativityJafree Ozwald – A miraculous transformation occurs when you realize that every experience is a doorway to the Divine. When you truly accept that all the traumas and dramas in your past are all opportunities to experience higher levels of compassion, you move light years ahead in consciousness.

Yes, your soul has signed up to evolve in consciousness and springboard you into enlightenment. Every traumatic experience you’ve had in your life, your soul has purposely placed it there to open your heart and broaden your awareness. Continue reading

You Are Never Far From The Light


Shanta Gabriel – Have you ever started to feel anxious and confused, and then noticed that you were not breathing?

Obviously our breath is a key to staying alive, but it also offers us an avenue for alignment. The yogis say that the Infinite Intelligence lives between the in-breath and the out-breath.

Our breath is a powerful tool for becoming more calm, settling our mind and creating an alignment within us to our Divine Source. Often the confusion and anxious feelings we are experiencing are because we have separated from our need to breathe more deeply. The body can literally begin to believe it will not get enough oxygen to survive, which causes the anxious sensations. Continue reading

The Third Side Of The Coin

“Experience life in all possible ways — good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.” ~Osho

CoinJafree Ozwald – Life is a cosmic mystery. We are constantly thrown from one experience to the next. One moment we are feeling high, then low, happy then sad, clear then confused. The polarities that we experience create a divine challenge which is meant to make us dig deeper inside for the real answer. The real answers in life are those that transcend all questions and bring you directly home to the heart and soul of your very being. This open minded enlightened approach to life is what I refer to as the discovery of the “third side of the coin”.

We all know that every coin contains two sides, yet most people forget there is a fine edge that holds the “heads and tails” together. Its along this third side that you can walk along that thin line, balanced in the moment totally free from life’s extremes.

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Your Connection To Your Holy Mental Self

lightAA Michael – As you move forward on the path of en-lighten-ment, and you come to a better understanding of cosmic law and the workings of the universe, we welcome the opportunity to occasionally give you a better understanding of some of the concepts of creation and the complexity of the physical vessel. Therefore, we would like to give you an in-depth explanation of the composition of the etheric body and its importance in the process of ascension.

The etheric body or etheric web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. The etheric body is composed of the physical aura, which conveys your physical state of health via various colors and the distortions – or lack thereof – within the etheric web pattern.

The emotions of pain, suffering and resentment are thought forms which are keeping you from embracing and becoming the bearer of light you were meant to be. The auric field is the invisible electromagnetic force field that surrounds the physical body, and it magnetizes energy to you and radiates vibrational frequency patterns from you. Continue reading

Living in Transparency

You have been waiting many lifetimes for the great Grace that is being offered you during these extraordinary times.  The veils are being lifted and you are discovering their illusory nature as you actualize your present mission to once again merge fully into the Christ that you are. ~ Jeshua the Christ

presenceLiving in transparency means living with no remaining charges of energy, either positive or negative, related to any memories you may still be holding related to this or any other lifetime.  No matter how horrific, how selfish, or how long any memory may have endured, in transparency there is no remaining energy related to any part of your past, especially those that may have still been sustaining any form of guilt, shame or unworthiness.

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