How To Build Immunity To Other People’s Control Dramas

dramaJulian Websdale – Many people go through their lives in a constant hunt for someone else’s energy. It is unconscious in many people. All they know is that when they control others they feel better. What they don’t realise is that this sense of feeling better costs the other person. It is their energy that is stolen.

Manipulation for other people’s energy can happen either aggressively, directly forcing people to pay attention to them, or passively, playing on people’s sympathy or curiosity to gain attention.

So first, let’s look at the main ways control dramas are played out. Continue reading

Open Doors Through Perception

chaosMona – A recent quote from Marianne Williamson states, “When someone’s life is in chaos, they can’t stop the chaos just by addressing what’s wrong on the outside. They have to address what’s wrong on the inside. Until we awaken spiritually, we can feel out of control.”

She of course, is also talking about America, but the concept of chaos is similar for the individual. Each of us are going through a new time, and leaving an old paradigm behind. This coming  2019 new year adds up to a 12, which is a 3. These are master numbers, relating to achievement and completion.  Our astrological events are helping us learn new ways of seeing life through the chaos. Whether it be in our own life or watching it in the world, our opinions and perceptions are changing.

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Going from Dark to Light

old soul

Lee Carroll – Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I want you to put a bubble around this place, blocking out all other sounds and concepts. There is an energy here for you, and for some of you this day of teaching is an energy of “a-ha!” It’s an energy that isn’t new, for it’s remembering.

For many of you there will be many of these rememberings, and this is what you expected at this time. You are going to start remembering the things of ancient days that made sense. These are the things you learned and experienced as shamanic beings in your past. The ancients were you, old soul, and there’s a lot to remember.

You’ll remember the various prophecies that even you, as ancients, participated in – knowing at some level you’d actually be in that future some day – and now here you are. All of these things began to make sense within the feelings that you are now starting to have. This particular channel is one that asks a question, “How are you going to perform life now, going from the dark to the light?”

When you, as an old soul, have literally been on the planet for thousands of years, from the very creation story, you are literally imbued with the knowledge of light and dark. You’ve been alive at some level, civilization after civilization. You’ve even been here in civilizations that history books don’t know about yet.

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