4 Immune-Boosters To Supercharge Immunity Year Round

Natural Society – Though winter is almost behind us, germs are spreading year-round. Even if you spend your days locked in a school with children, you can avoid a springtime cold or a resurgence of the flu by preparing in advance. Shoring up your immune system is something you can do daily, through proper diet, plenty of sunshine, and a few valuable herbs and vitamins. I will provide 4 immune boosters below.

There is no doubt that when your body is healthy, it can fight off illness and infection. This is why people who take care of themselves are rarely out with the common cold. If symptoms do start to show, the issue can be handled quickly with natural remedies. For the most part, however, a healthy lifestyle will make for an automatic win against viruses and bacteria. Continue reading

The Benefits and Uses of Echinacea – and How to Grow Your Own!


Dr. Joseph Mercola – Echinacea, commonly known as coneflower, is a member of the Asteraceae family, a large plant family composed of 23,600 species. Well-known members of this family include dandelion, cudweed, artichokes, lettuce and sunflower. It is considered to be an economically important group because many of its members are cultivated as food crops.1

Native Americans were the first to use echinacea over 400 years ago. Before the rise of antibiotics, it was used as a general cure for various infections and wounds, such as malaria, scarlet fever and syphilis.2 There are over a dozen varieties of echinacea, and they can grow anywhere from 1.5 to 5 feet in height. Each variety has its own unique color, making the Echinacea family a popular fixture in gardens throughout America.3

Benefits of Using Echinacea

Centuries ago, Native Americans primarily used echinacea to help treat the common cold. It still serves that purpose today, but its uses have expanded to: Continue reading

Echinacea: Nature’s Cold and Flu Fighter

echinaceaRick Ansorge – Echinacea has been the Rocky Balboa of natural cold and flu remedies since the 1990s — called a champion for your health one year, only to be knocked down by health experts the next.

In the late 1990s, it was the king of the ring, racking up impressive annual sales of $206 million after research suggested it can effectively combat winter viruses. By 2010 it was practically washed up, after some studies showed that it had little or no benefit — with annual sales plummeting to a paltry $115 million.

But the most recent research suggests that Echinacea is ready to reclaim its crown.

“There seems to be some benefit from taking it throughout the cold season,” says Dr. Tod Cooperman, president of ConsumerLab.com, which recently published an extensive product review of Echinacea.

How a big a benefit?

A 25-50 percent reduced risk of catching a cold, Dr. Cooperman tells Health Radar. That’s on part with other prevention strategies designed to boost the immune system — such as getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress levels.

If you’re one of miserable millions who catch cold after cold through the winter, that’s huge. Here’s a primer. Continue reading

Elizabeth Renter ~ 3 Natural Antibiotics Already In Your Kitchen

NaturalSociety  May 23 2014

OreganoOilWhen you get sick, what do you do? If you’re like millions of Americans, you call the doctor at the first sign of a sniffle. You may run out to the aptly named drug store to get a quick-fix. But as a student of natural health, you are likely more interested in the potential healers you can find in your own kitchen, health food store, or garden. Fortunately, there are many, and several of them can actually work as natural antibiotics.

The benefits these items have over those approved by the conventional medical industry is that they can deliver the goods without a laundry list of side effects. Here are 3 natural antibiotics that may already be in your kitchen.

1. Oregano Oil

Also called oil of oregano, this oil can do everything from aid in weight loss to help digestion. But one of its most notable benefits is found in the ability to fight infection. Carvacrol, a phenol present in the oil, works to kill bacteria and illness causing infections. Continue reading

5 Tips For Naturally Staying Well And Flu-Free This Winter

NaturalSociety December 15 2013


In addition to producing no vitamin D since the cold season keep us indoors, we are more likely to spread germs among one another. It’s in these winter months—when we also seek comfort in carb-heavy foods– that a cold or the flu can easily take hold and make your daily existing very unpleasant. While there is something to be said for treating the symptoms of such illness with natural remedies, the best way to fight a cold or the flu is to prevent it from ever happening.

If you listen to conventional medicine, you’ll have already lined up to get your annual flu shot. These shots are wholly unnecessary, however, and can certainly do more harm than good. The truth is, a high-functioning immune system will be able to successfully battle the flu and even the common cold, without expensive prescriptions or preventative injections.

Building Your Immune Health

The key to staying well no matter the weather or who you come in contact with lies in nurturing a healthy immune system. In addition to utilizing these 8 natural antibioticshere are 5 natural tips for boosting your immune system and staying flu-free this winter:

1. Limit or Eliminate Processed Foods – Processed carbohydrates like white flours and certainly sugar can wreak havoc on your immune health, spreading inflammation and compromising your ability to ward off illness. Alcohol can also hinder immune function. Though this may be the time of year for indulgence and celebration, limit these toxins if you want to make it through the season without getting sick. These are just a couple of the things you should NOT eat while sick or battling a cold.

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