Seeing Life Through Fractured Glasses

glassesMary O’Malley – Imagine you have just put on a pair of glasses where the lenses are fractured. Your view of Life would be warped and even a little weird! And yet this is how we can describe what happened to you when you were young. When you were first born you were wide open to Life. There were no stories in your head that filtered your experience of this living moment. There were no ideas that said you needed to be different than what you were in order to be okay.

And yet you, like everybody else, were destined to take on what I call ‘the conditioned mind.’ Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, calls it the ‘mind made me’. In other words, your mind created a ‘me,’ a somebody that talks in your head all day long, a ‘me’ that creates a warped view of yourself and of Life, a ‘me’ that is exactly like putting on a fractured pair of glasses. Continue reading

Why Is It So Difficult To Find The Motivation To Do Something Big?

“As awesome as the mind can be, it can also be incredibly crippling, especially if we let every thought, story and past experience that it is capable of bringing up almost instantaneously impact the level of motivation that we feel.” – M DeNicola

MotivationOn January 10th of this year I finished writing the script to a feature film that I felt not only passionate about but excited to share with the world. A script that as I wrote it, I felt that I was definitely going to bring into production almost immediately. I have the necessary tools, connections and resources to make it possible (at least at the independent level) yet here I am well over a week into June and I’m still yet to bring it out of the pre-production stage. The passion for the story still exists, as does the desire to share it with the world, it’s the motivation that seems to be missing, and that’s the part I’d like to focus on.

What Exactly Is Motivation?

Webster’s online dictionary defines motivation as the condition of being eager to act and/or work; or alternatively as the force that causes someone to do something. (1) At times motivation can be easy to come by, a couple of common examples where this is often the case -although not always -are the motivation to play a favourite sport, to pack for an upcoming trip or even to have sexual intercourse. Whether these specific examples apply to you or not, we all know from experience that when motivation does exist, things just seem to not only be that much more enjoyable but they often tend to go a lot smoother.

The Role & Power Of The Mind

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Beauty’s Presence

Sacred Scribe | January 5 2012

I know I write about Beauty a lot. I can’t seem to help it. I never really know what I’m going to write about when I sit down to write on this blog, and yet Beauty, in some way, shape, or form, always slips itself in there and makes itself known.

I think it’s because I’ve come to learn that no matter what ridiculous gyrations my mind/ego may be attempting to go through in an effort to make itself feel better, it is always in a single moment of surrender, that the feeling of Beauty instantly pours in and stills everything, filling my heart with the silent peace of God.

I don’t have to physically see something beautiful, or touch something beautiful, or hear something beautiful. I don’t have to be looking at a glorious piece of art, or walking through a field of wildflowers, or making love, to experience the feeling of Beauty.

I just need to surrender…let go…fall…

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Eckart Tolle | Eckart Tolle
November 18 2011

There’s a particular dimension where creativity arises. It’s a little bit like the wick burning the flame, and its sustenance is the oil – it’s in an oil lamp, and you are the flame. All the analogies, by the way, are very deficient, but it’s just a distant approximation to get you into a sense of what that place is. So you are the flame, and you feel your way into the very source – down the wick into where the oil is, inside yourself. That’s the place, the source, so if anything is new, creative, then it has a fragrance of the source.

Somehow, humans, even humans who are still very much identified with their mind, many of them are touched by when they see or hear or whatever – come into contact with – something that came out of that deeper level, whether it’s a work of art, or a piece of music, or it could just be somebody talking. And the words come from that deeper level. It could just be somebody who has a good sense of humor – even that is already a form of creativity. Spontaneous humor is to suddenly see something that one wouldn’t normally see – a connection between two seemingly unconnected things, and suddenly you connect them and everybody laughs. Some people have that. Some people have one small area in which they can be creative, and that can be enough to provide you with fulfillment and an income, for the rest of your life – and to contribute that gift to others.

Great stand up comedians, for example, have that gift. Of course, not everything they say is spontaneous, but when they prepare their stuff, they have to be creative. Now I don’t know if anybody here has tried to be a standup comedian, but it’s difficult. Many people try. It’s hard to be funny. But some have it, and it’s amazing – those few that have that gift. And there too, the sense of humor is spontaneously something arises, and there it comes. It’s being in touch with that. It’s wonderful to be able to be in touch with that, and feel the power that flows from there, out into this world. Now for that, of course you need some kind of vehicle, because the power needs to flow into some kind of form.

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