Know Oneness

know onenessDr. Jonathan Ellerby – I want humanity to know oneness. It sounds complicated at first, but it is simple and will change your life forever. It did for me.

Oneness is more than a concept. It’s an experience and a way of living.

In every culture throughout time there have been saints, mystics, sages, shamans and prophets who have come to the same conclusion: all things in this world are deeply interconnected and ultimately are only diverse expressions of the one original source energy. Continue reading

Lockheed Executive Blows Lid Off Of Secret Government Space Travel (Quantum Entanglement)

quantumArjun Walia – It’s called quantum entanglement, it’s extremely fascinating and  counter to what we believe to be the known scientific laws of the universe, so much so that Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it. Although it’s called “quantum entanglement,” though Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.”

Recent research has taken quantum entanglement out of the theoretical realm of physics, and placed into the one of verified phenomena. An experiment devised by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the university of Tokyo, recently published a paper in the journal Nature Communications confirming what Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particle’s wave function. (source)(source), and this is just one example of many.

They did this by splitting a single photon between two laboratories, and testing whether measurement of it in one laboratory would actually cause a change in the local quantum state in the other laboratory.  In doing so, researchers were able to verify the entanglement of the split single photon.

Researchers have since replicated this experiment over and over again, with results of entanglement seen at kilometres of distance. Below is a great visual depiction of what quantum entanglement from the film, “What The Bleep Do We Know.”

“Space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there are separate objects” – Dr. Quantum

Sure, there are a lot of philosophies regarding what all of this stuff actually means, but, as Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher puts it, it’s a pre-curser to realizing that everything is connected, and that everything in the universe is one. What happens in what we call reality, is effecting something else in that same reality, it’s all “touching.” – (source)

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Johan Oldenkamp ~ Nikola Tesla Was The Greatest Inventor: Tesla’s Dream

EinsteinReTeslaIf you do not know who Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943) was, and what he achieved, then please read this article. Also this article shares, at the end, important information about the work of this genius (Niels Bohr).

Among Tesla’s many inventions are: alternating current, the radio, remote control, hydro-electricity, X-rays, transistors, resonant frequency, fluorescent and neon lighting, the induction motor, the rotating magnetic field, encryption technology and scrambler, and wireless communication and power transmission.

If, a century ago, humanity would have been ready for living in abundance, Tesla could have realized his dream. Instead of liberating mankind from (energy) scarcity, Tesla’s groundbreaking work was perverted and is now used to control life on our beautiful planet.

“One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane” is a famous quote from Nikola Tesla.

My work proves that for instance the Zionist Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a deep and quite insane thinker. The science fiction of Einstein clearly illustrates the fallacies of the generally-accepted university theories of at least the past century. As these universities have been corrupted by the agenda of their financiers, they will not likely admit their erroneous dogmas. It is therefore up to us, the truly free thinkers, to continue the liberating work of Tesla.

Will you join a virtual Electromagnetism Study Group?

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A Lesson In Time

Beacons Of Light | November 19 2012

Greetings from Home ~ Awakening the Child Within

EinsteinThis day has created a new vibration. You are all acclimating yourself to it in a new way, for you have opportunities that you have not had before. It is an opportunity for you to change your perceptions, to shift your energy and look at things differently. You all seem to be healers in some way, and most of you have helped others to go back and find the origin of their problems. It is very simple, dear ones. Most of your experiences happen first in childhood or even in adolescence, as it is very easy to scar a human psyche when you are young because you are getting to know yourself. Many of you have discovered ways of returning to what your original intent was during those times of misdirection. Why would you misdirect yourself? Why would anyone do so? Certainly it is not done intentionally. Misdirection often happens with knowledge. For instance, you see an open door and the handle looks very inviting. So, you push the door open further, simply step in and say, “This feels good for now. I will go forward.” Well, humans are adapters. You step into something new and rather than say, “Eww, this does not feel good,” you adapt yourselves and soon you are adjusting everything around you. You say, “Okay, I moved this over here and that over there, so now it feels comfortable.” What you do not always realize is that sometimes it takes a tremendous amount of your energy to play this game, which makes it more difficult in many aspects.

So, what would it take for you to return to the perceptions you held when you were a child? What would it take to re-member? Of course, your life has changed and you have evolved greatly since then. We do not expect you to go back to who you were as a child or even pretend to be that again. You now have an opportunity to re-member what your perception was when you took that original sidestep, the first time that you opened a new door and decided to go through it. Suddenly you find yourself way down the hallway very invested in your journey and your travel. You are far too invested to turn around and go back, and so you are adapting everything. “Oh, this is not what I expected, so I will adapt and harmonize it.” Well, you are getting very good at that. Now, what about re-membering where you were originally going and your original intent? That is one of the key pieces that will help all of you to return to this. You are the greatest beings that have ever walked the Earth. Never doubt that. You can turn around and see behind you the generations that have gone before you, even within your own family. You can see how the vibrational levels have risen over all of humanity as you have evolved. It is grand indeed. It is beyond your understanding that we always celebrate your evolution on the other side. We are excited to watch as you evolve to where you can actually perceive us without the channels and hear us all in your own heart. That is coming for each and every one of you…doubt it not. It is absolutely what you have asked for and there is only one answer to what god asked for – and so it is. It is very simple. Whatever it is that you decide, you harmonize what is out there and it is created in a new way.

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Be The Change You Desire: Walk Away. Refuse To Participate In Your Enslavement

The Jeenyus Corner | August 20 2012

The master manipulators who direct the trolls have devised yet another new way to deal with damning information that is factual and undeniable. With claims of fatigue over our problems, and that people don’t want to hear the bad news, they demand that I put forward solutions. Perhaps they are right.

The Buddha said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. We can’t force feed people. Indeed, so many are so dependent upon the system, so inured by it that they will fight to protect it even though it ultimately denies most of them a better life. No one can teach people what they refuse to hear and not all trolls are mere operatives. Many are true believers.

I honestly believe few of us will change until a collapse forces people to acknowledge their enslavement. And even then, not til after the first winter when millions will die. This is why I keep telling all those Second Amendment supporters (of which I am one) that firearms are important yes, but don’t think the government isn’t prepared because we outnumber their alphabet agency apparatchiks.

They control the food.

These criminals have used illusion to coerce the masses into believing that government, in the way they have used it, is beneficial and even a good thing. Counter to what the founders understood – that at best its a necessary evil.

Today, 45.7 million Americans are receiving food stamp benefits and very near half of US citizens do not owe federal income taxes. We’ve allowed ourselves to be deceived into an almost narcotic dependency on the state for almost everything from the delusion of safety to basic needs of sustenance. Deliberately so, that we’re past the point of no return: its now quite impossible to convince a majority to vote away these ‘benefits’. Witness the violent response to that idea in Southern Europe these last months or the wails of doom in the mind control media whenever Medicare or Social Security is discussed.

No election is going to change anything; your candidate will not make a difference. Thus it should be clear that working within the current paradigm will do nothing at all to alleviate the pain that that very same paradigm is responsible for inflicting on us. It hasn’t before, why would it now?

Dr. King, Gandhi, the 1960′s anti war movement, the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street… Understand who and what we’re dealing with – that attempts to organize against the criminals within the system have each been systematically met with either subversion or failing that, violent force.

Yes, occasionally the power structure has been forced to give, but most always on their terms and usually with any gains only perceptual and hardly significant to the long term. The power structure has proven itself quite adept at diverting, silencing or co-opting opposition when it has presented a problem to them.

So its not possible to use the force of our collective will to destroy a system based upon the collective insanity of a nation. Therefore no protests, no movement, no sort of group organizing around collective action can ever work. And since every effort using this methodology has thus far failed, why should we continue? Because as Einstein warned us: this is insane, repeating a task and expecting a different result each time.

Its time to change the way we deal with the forces of oppression and tyranny but it won’t be simple. It took 150 years to destroy the Republic that the founding fathers created and at this point is beyond redemption. Therefore the violent and tyrannical beast that the national government has grown into cannot be remedied by votes or even (and especially) by force.

We absolutely MUST remain non-violent.

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