Our Holographic Universe

2012 The Awakening | August 5 2012

EarthIncreasing research into quantum physics and the quest for greater understanding of the human energy field has brought forth an altogether novel discovery that we do live in a Holographic Universe. Not only do we live in a continuously morphing field of energy responding to our very thoughts and senses, but what we consider to be the ‘mind’ exists not in our brain but in that dynamic field of energy.

Drawing from numerous scientific studies, researchers have removed, cut up and reinstalled disfigured brains into lab animals – only to witness full cognitive memory was retained. How is that possible, they asked! Upon further testing it became clear that what we call the ‘mind’ resides in the quantum field of information and streams into the brain for processing. Our human brain acts more like a train station, directing the stream of data down certain pathways to the receptor sites within our bio-energetic system.  The source of human intelligence and conscious awareness responds and travels along waves of energy in the subtle energy field that forms our bodies and our lives. Not only does it supply our brains with thoughts, creative ideas, visions and dreams, but it also designs and instructs the very formation of our physical manifestation. At the very essence of our being, we are highly sensitive, dynamic whirlpools of creative energy! Our minds are instructing our sub-atomic particles to form in certain shapes, sizes and patterns. We are a living holographic being!

Flashing in a magnificent array is the planetary kaleidoscope of 6.8 billion projected holograms of human energy fields. What a sight to see! As our human minds conjure images, desires and thought programs into laser light through our 3rd Eye lens, we are constantly influencing how our lives manifest. And so, if our world reality depends on what information is streaming through our minds, then we have the power to change it.

We first must observe and decide what exists in our current holographic reality that does not serve us, does not match our Soul Truth and does not manifest abundant joy and positive growth. These are the patterns and programs that need to be selectively dismantled and cleared from our holographic minds. As we dissect and discern the non-truth from our Soul’s path and purpose, we discover how much false information has been inserted from the collective field into our human energy field, and thus into our human reality.

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Discovery Of Magnetic Sensors In Fish And Rats May Explain People Who ‘Feel’ Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, Power Lines And Electropollution

Natural News | July 11 2012

NaturalNews  ~ It is well known that many people are sensitive to electromagnetic pollution. Wi-fi gives them headaches. Being near high-voltage power lines can bring on migraines. Using a cell phone unleashes similar symptoms. Until recently, there was no medically-understood mechanism by which electromagnetic waves could be sensed by humans. But now, thanks to some fascinating science summarized here, that mystery may be closer to being solved.

Scientists from the University of Munich, led by geophysicist Michael Winklhofer, say they’ve located and identified “internal compass needles” in the noses of rainbow trout. These are called magnetosensory cells, and they turn out to be far more sensitive to magnetic fields than anyone previously thought.

As TGdaily.com reports:

The cells sense the field by means of micrometer-sized inclusions composed of magnetic crystals, probably made of magnetite. These inclusions are coupled to the cell membrane, changing the electrical potential across the membrane when the crystals realign in response to a change in the ambient magnetic field.

“This explains why low-frequency magnetic fields generated by powerlines disrupt navigation relative to the geomagnetic field and may induce other physiological effects,” said Winklhofer.

Electro-smog is getting worse by the day

While the study did not look for magnetosensory cells in humans, their identification in fish proves that biological systems can (and do!) create these highly sophisticated “instruments” which sense electromagnetic fields. As any physics student knows, electricity and magnetism are much the same thing: Rotate a coil of wire around a magnet and it produces electric current. High-voltage power lines, inversely, produce a magnetic field.

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The Universal Torus

Thomas Pafe | Science Of Ascension | February 17 2012

Ether (scientifically-speaking) is known to be the stuff between spaces – a hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space. Some traditions have called it the God Particle – the underlining infinite universal force (spiritual energy), the substance/intelligence that keeps things in harmony/balance in all of creation hence responsible for all ESP phenomena. We are permanently immersed/surrounded by an infinite encompassing field called the God wave aka the Universal Torus.

We all know from quantum physics that everything (matter) in the universe is comprised of energy, and this energy is in perpetual movement/oscillation due to the agitated molecules – electrons, protons .. (the difference between the atoms of gold and that of wood is that they vibrate at different frequencies – one is less dense than the other and the denser, the lower the vibration/frequency – 3D vs 5D). It has also been established that anything that carries a varying energy/current generates an electromagnetic field hence the big discovery – every single existing thing (plants, animals, minerals, moon, sun – matter) in the universe possesses an aura – an electromagnetic field of varying magnitude.

Our body consists of four basic components: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These are sustained by the etheric field. The etheric component is piloted by our chakra system – energy centers/accumulators in conjunction with specific internal organs serving as a matrix interface to the energy world.

During normal working life energy flows into our bodies from Source, Gaia, CME, Cosmic down loads, Shift, Grids, etc. This energy is processed by our chakras thereby giving rise to a resultant complex wave called our signature tone or registration. This energy field is unique for each individual. The electromagnetic field associated with this current produces the aura. The absence of Source consciousness, spiritual work/practice keeps the chakra closed – atrophied. As part of the Light Body Process (LBP) the heart chakra begins to open to the harmonization of a unified matrix by incorporating the lower three chakras and bringing them into resonance with the three upper chakras – whenever we move Love in our hearts all other chakras are affected.

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