Kevin Samson ~ Neuroscientist Exposes Dangers Of Electromagnetic Fields [Video]

Activist Post  April 13 2014

Neuroscience has come under scrutiny for its involvement in an array of mind control initiatives and other ethically questionable research. But at least one neuroscientist from Sweden has gone on record to caution against the increasing dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on human beings and other living organisms, as you will see in the presentation below.

Our modern world is creating an electromagnetic soup filled with electrical pulses, radio frequencies, computer screens, wireless signals, as well as personal devices such as cell phones and gadgets that are emitting damaging radiation. There are many peer-reviewed scientific studieswhich are drawing conclusions that should concern us all, but particularly young children and pregnant women. In fact, the debate is heating up to such a level that government agencies are even infighting over the matter, as evidenced when the Department of the Interior recently sent a letter with their own scientific papers chastising the FCC for using standards that are 30 years out of date. As the DOI stated, the concern is not only in the negative health effects upon people, but upon wildlife as well.


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The Trance Daze Of The Global Mind

Zen-Haven June 7 2013

Watching people in the street you can see they are in a trance-like state, one woman I was watching had her eyes almost completely shut, she didn’t hit anything but she looked asleep.

The electromagnetic pollution from mobile phones affects people’s brain. They appear drugged. Of course some of them are drugged, but you get what I mean.

I’ve met so many people recently that refuse to carry a mobile phone. I recommend they keep their phone  turned off with the SIM card out of the phone, taped to the back of the phone say. And that they should only turn it on when absolutely necessary, if they breakdown at 3 a.m. in the rain say.

Mobile phones dish out brain tumors that’s why they aren’t good, and they can be used to track your whereabouts. I have suggested before, that if you have to have a phone send it on sunny holidays when your mates go to Mexico or Spain or where ever, have them send a couple of text messages someplace… keeps the Fat Controller’s pet gorilla guessing.

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Discovery Of Magnetic Sensors In Fish And Rats May Explain People Who ‘Feel’ Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, Power Lines And Electropollution

Natural News | July 11 2012

NaturalNews  ~ It is well known that many people are sensitive to electromagnetic pollution. Wi-fi gives them headaches. Being near high-voltage power lines can bring on migraines. Using a cell phone unleashes similar symptoms. Until recently, there was no medically-understood mechanism by which electromagnetic waves could be sensed by humans. But now, thanks to some fascinating science summarized here, that mystery may be closer to being solved.

Scientists from the University of Munich, led by geophysicist Michael Winklhofer, say they’ve located and identified “internal compass needles” in the noses of rainbow trout. These are called magnetosensory cells, and they turn out to be far more sensitive to magnetic fields than anyone previously thought.

As reports:

The cells sense the field by means of micrometer-sized inclusions composed of magnetic crystals, probably made of magnetite. These inclusions are coupled to the cell membrane, changing the electrical potential across the membrane when the crystals realign in response to a change in the ambient magnetic field.

“This explains why low-frequency magnetic fields generated by powerlines disrupt navigation relative to the geomagnetic field and may induce other physiological effects,” said Winklhofer.

Electro-smog is getting worse by the day

While the study did not look for magnetosensory cells in humans, their identification in fish proves that biological systems can (and do!) create these highly sophisticated “instruments” which sense electromagnetic fields. As any physics student knows, electricity and magnetism are much the same thing: Rotate a coil of wire around a magnet and it produces electric current. High-voltage power lines, inversely, produce a magnetic field.

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