Unveil the Electromagnetic Field: Power of the Human Heart

Arjun Walia – Science has recently shed light on the fact that what we used to perceive as ‘human’ aura is actually real. All of our bodies emit an electromagnetic field, and this fact plays a very important role far beyond what is commonly known when it comes to understanding our biology, and the interconnectedness we share with all life.

emotional informationFor example, did you know that the heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of all the body’s major organs? These fields and the information encoded into them can change based on how we are feeling, what we thinking, and different emotions we take on.

The heart even sends signals to the brain through a system of neutrons that have both short-term and long-term memory, and these signals can affect our emotional experiences. The emotional information that’s modulated and coded into these fields changes their nature, and these fields can impact those around us. Continue reading

Crystal Core

crystal Lisa Renee – Currently, there is immense activity occurring underground as the result of the earth’s Crystal Core activation. This has ignited new arterial pathways running liquid crystal frequencies throughout the earth’s crystalline grid, establishing new circuitry and lightbody code in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal intergalactic communication lines.  This is very encouraging and seems to be a part of the morphogenesis happening now, where changes in the quality of energy in a system allow profound changes in the expression of that energy into a variety forms and structures.

The earth’s Crystal Core structure is shifting, which has radically impacted the earth’s interior and subterranean areas, as the physical and chemical properties of matter are adjusting to the change that has been made to the planet’s core crystal structure. This is adjusting the layers of the atmosphere of earth, which further changes the atmospheric temperature and pressure in the different layers that are creating unique patterns within the densities.

As a result of global changes occurring in atmospheric pressure, ascension symptoms may be experienced related to compression or decompression factors that are happening within the physical body. The physical body is working harder to adapt to these pressure changes, and this shift in the core has direct impacts upon blood, blood pressure and heartbeat rhythm. Thus, it is important to take steps to regain balance through a healthier lifestyle, finding inner stillness and meaningful connection in our lives in order to reduce stressors upon the body. Continue reading

The Powerful Effect of Heart-Centered Healing on The Human Body

heartMichael Forrester – Every cause of disease first begins with an imbalance in the body’s energy systems, specifically, the interaction between how the heart communicates with the brain and the body. Fix that and there is no disease, ever. The heart can produce an electrical field 100 times greater than the brain and a magnetic field 5000 times greater. Which one are you using to heal?

Emotions are vibrations which influence consistently our reality. We not only think and work our way through a day, meeting, assignment, but also feel and believe our way through it. The outcome depends on both.

Simply put, the number one cause of health is your energetic and emotional state. How you connect emotionally to your overall wellness and wellbeing is more important than any supplement, food, exercise or health treatment. There is only one cause of disease and that has to do with the energy and frequency imbalances that exist within your body. Rectify that, and disease cannot exist… it would be impossible.

All the emotions are varieties of two: fear and love: Fear/stress is contagious and causes contraction: inhibits creativity, brain activity, inhibits the immune system, selective perception and over extensive periods of time leads to breakdown. Love (positive beliefs and emotions) has high impact and causes expansion: creativity, physical and mental endurance, more productivity in shorter time because we take decisions quicker because we are receptive and highly perceptive. This a question of Math, HeartMath, as per the contribution in this field of the HeartMath Institute: when one has accurate information, takes better decisions.

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