The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (Part 1)

‘The technologies at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are connected in many ways — in the way they extend digital capabilities; in the way they scale, emerge and embed themselves in our lives; in their combinatorial power; and in their potential to concentrate privilege and challenge existing governance systems.’ Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2018

The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (Part 1)Simon Elmer – The Wikipedia entry for the Great Reset, the first part of which is quoted in a blue panel as a corrective to any mention or discussion of this term on YouTube, reads as follows:

The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch. The initiative’s stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way that prioritizes sustainable development. Continue reading

Humanity Must Break Free from the Technocratic Bio-Surveillance State

Who is willing to accept a technocratic bio-surveillance state?Nicholas Creed – We had been comfortable. Unaware we were living in a cage. Now our open air prison has been illuminated. For some. Others see restriction of freedoms, movement, and liberty as a necessity. Both ‘sides’ perceive a righteous galvanization geared towards a unified humanity. For the greater good.

This has never been about vaxxed / unvaxxed.

Nor has it been about East / West.

Nor Race.

It is not about political affiliation.

On the precipice of our global subjugation, enslavement, and expungement, all paths lead to one juncture. Continue reading

My Umpteenth Reading Of The Anti-Federalist Papers

aristocracyJoseph P Farrell – I’m departing from my normal practice today and am not blogging about an article that readers sent me, but rather, just to share a few interesting quotations that, I hope, will be thought-provoking.

Recently I received a catalogue of books from Dover Publications, and in its “thrift books” section, it included a collection of some of the Anti-Federalist papers. Dover’s “thrift books” are little paperbacks very reasonably priced. This little edition of some of the Anti-Federalist papers cost only six dollars, so I purchased it, and have to say that the papers collected within it were nicely chosen and ordered. Continue reading

How to Avoid Turning Freedom Into Enslavement

freedomPaul Lenda – There’s a little something called free will. It means we have sovereignty over what we think, say, and do. Thoughts, words, and actions are the mechanisms by which we interact with, shape, and create reality. Anything we do, is due to our free will initiating an action. Yes, even when we think it’s not.

How can that be?

Agreements. We are continuously making decisions. There is always a choice being made because there is always movement of energy. We are always agreeing to some action being taken, whether its a conscious or unconscious agreement. By unconscious, I mean one which is occurring below the normal level of awareness. The subconscious mind makes decisions for us a whopping 90% of the time. Continue reading

The Dissolution Of The False Light Construct

energyDavid Manning – Over the past couple of months, in energy work sessions, something really interesting has been showing up. I wasn’t at all sure what I was seeing at first. Then, as it became clear, I was amazed at the scale of the process. What I was seeing in individual fields was the dissolution of the False Light Construct (FLC).

This is a really big deal. The FLC has been operational for many thousands of years on this planet. I don’t pretend to know much of its history. But I’ll talk about what it is that I have come to understand.

Basically, we, Humanity, have been fooled. Largely by the organised religions on this planet. We have been taught that there are a huge number of rules and regulations governing our morality, our behaviour, our salvation. We have been taught that there are ways we need to behave if we want to get into “heaven”, if we want even the slightest chance of meeting god. The very natural process of spiritual evolution has been twisted and tainted with guilt, fear and shame, and made into something unnatural.

Over many centuries, our connection to the earth has been deeply compromised. We have trained into an understanding that the earth holds the hell zones, and investigating those regions underneath us was dangerous.

As a largely uneducated and superstitious population, we were a tricked into believing a natural connection with other dimensions, and psychic abilities to perceive other worlds, actually meant we were consorting with Satan. Our great nature spirit deva Pan became the devil. Sensuality, sexuality and a deep pleasurable relationship with our own body was twisted into something shameful and guilt ridden. Continue reading