Just Three Words

Paul Rosenberg – The statement I’ll be making today is simple… very simple. Nonetheless, I think it’s of tremendous importance. It’s the type of thing that, if kept sufficiently in mind, can revise your mental universe.

It’s the type of thing that makes me want to write, “Meditate on this at least once per day for several years.” This concept can not only revamp you, but could revamp humanity.

So, here are those three words:

Life reverses entropy.

If that sounds too simple or not entirely clear, no problem; I’ll continue. (You can find lengthier discourses in our subscription letters.) Continue reading

Entropy, Chaos and Order Explained

chaosSarah Elkahady – During these times of increasing turbulence here on Earth, there are few concepts more important to understand than the topic of entropy. In this article, I’ll be going over what entropy is, why entropy is important for people going through a spiritual awakening to understand, and at the end I will explain entropy’s metaphysical implications..

Entropy is a term mainly used in thermodynamics to measure how energy is distributed within a system. Because it measures how spread-out energy is, it has become synonymous with measuring the amount of disorder held inside a system, and disorder is a property of chaos. Continue reading

Three Words To Remember

entropyPaul Rosenberg – The statement I’ll be making today is simple… very simple. Nonetheless, I think it’s of tremendous importance. It’s the type of thing that, if kept sufficiently in mind, can slowly revise your mental universe.

It’s also the type of thing that makes me want to write, “Repeat this every morning, noon, and night for at least one month, then meditate on it for a few years.” And I’m not entirely unserious about this; I think that would be an immensely valuable thing for you to do.

This concept can not only revamp you, but could revamp humanity. And because I believe the three words to be true, I’m convinced that their effects would be almost entirely beneficial.

So, here are those three words:

Life reverses entropy.

If that sounds too simple or not entirely clear, no problem; I’ll continue. (You can find lengthier discourses in the subscription letter, especially in issues #39 and #79.)

Entropy Versus Life

Entropy (a physics term with sometimes complex definitions) is the nature of all inanimate things: rocks, water, air, and so on. These all wind down and wear out eventually. Given enough millennia, the winds and rains will wear down the mountains. Given a few billion years, the sun itself will wear out and collapse, ending our winds and rains with it.

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Entropy and Negentropy

energyLisa Renee – Consciousness is energy, and energy is Conscious, and as such they are interchangeable. Energy is directed through many intelligent systems in which it either contracts or expands to lower or increase its frequency rate. When energy continually contracts, it is decreasing in amount through losses of energy, which lowers the frequency rate. When energy continually expands, it is increasing in amount through gains of energy, which heightens the frequency rate.  Our spiritual bodies are also systems of consciousness energy, thus they also lose or increase energy depending on many different factors.  We will attempt to drill down a bit further, into these factors and exposures, sourcing from both personal and impersonal forces.

Everything has an energetic signature and is composed of spectra of frequency arranged in form holding blueprints.  Our blueprint and Lightbody is an energetic system. For the Lightbody to be constricted and losing energy, the person is choosing destructive behaviors and/or is exposed to lower frequencies, which lose or leak energy. For the Lightbody to expand and increase energy, the person is choosing positive behaviors and/or is exposed to higher frequencies, which maintain or gain energy.

All systems, including the earth body, and human bodily systems, require sources of energy in order to function well. Further, they require consistent sources of energy in order to evolve, expand and progress in consciousness over time. During the chaotic transformation happening on the earth, it is important to be able to accurately discern the energetic source powering a system. We will need to ask where the energy source of a system is being generated from, and if there are excessive expenditures of energy or energy drains, through destructive behaviors of consumptive modeling.

As we progress in the new time cycle during the bifurcation, every detail of our existence will be under magnification, as we interact with any kind of energetic system. The clarity of where we direct personal energy and attention is being amplified, in order to plainly see where our energy is being directed and how it is being used. The question we need to ask is, “Where is our personal energy being drained and where is our energy being supported and restored?”

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Zen Gardner ~ Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda

“Both fear and hate are entropic – they break down the beautiful complexity of the natural flow and structure of life in order to release the energy within, leaving a used up, over-simplified and dead husk in its wake. This released energy is food for the temporal and spiritual parasites and the reason their ugly forces are exerted on humanity . . .”  Z Gardner

EyeLookingUpEveryone experiences fear. It’s a jarring emotion that gets amplified by the reptilian fight or flight side of our human make up. The problem comes when the prompt is deliberately manufactured and therefore non-authentic, which is why the manipulators use it so frequently and to such an extent. Fear interferes with conscious awareness, clear thinking, true knowing and in turn conscious behavior and makes for a highly manipulable state of being.

It’s not only toxic and debilitating, but fear is contagious as well as addicting.

This lower level vibration of fear has many esoteric derivations and origins. Whether people are aware of the underlying spiritual nature of our Universe or not, it is profoundly real. Where we get these fear impulses is a subject unto itself that anyone on the path of truth comes upon, but we each experience these influences. One of the most profound realizations that comes from understanding fear, besides its use as a social engineering tool, is that fear is an intrinsic energy source for parasitic controllers and entities, both human and non-human. Understanding the archonic agenda as revealed by the Gnostics is essential for grasping the bigger picture.

They feed off of our energy. That realization is a powerful motivator to not give it to them. Fearing their machinations is falling into a voluntary slave mentality and literally a form of worship.

It’s time to fearlessly stand up straight and tall and starve this parasitic beast of our energy.

The Fear Syndrome – Separating Real and Unreal Threats

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