Fighting – Easier To Win When You Choose The Time And Place

The Jeenyus Corner | January 17 2013

Part Five in a series – “Solutions from the Opposite Consciousness”

Barack ObamaThe time has long since passed to treat the US federal government for what it is: an illegitimate criminal cartel. Yes I know that reads like some outrageous hyperbole, but if you will not accept this reality, then read no further, you’ll get nothing useful.

For the rest…

We’re being backed into a corner for a fight that Americans have been trying to ignore.

This is our last opportunity to prevent the violence and I implore all Americans who read this to think carefully. Do some research and look outside of the control grid of corporate media. The criminals who run this government are arming and preparing for a civil war that they themselves are instigating. This is not about political differences or sour grapes over an election loss; BOTH parties are complicit in these crimes.

You will not find any of the following easily verified items of fact in the corporate controlled media. That most people cannot connect the dots is a part and parcel of the deception but it doesn’t mean these facts don’t exist or are unimportant.

No longer recognizing any limitations on its powers, the US federal government has assumed the unlawful authority to murder or imprison American citizens without trial. This is happening right now as you read this.

These thugs have armed their employees for war against the American people, spending over $2.6 billion on militarizing local police departments. Including weapons with no legitimate law enforcement use such as tanks, mortars, full auto machine guns, explosives and missiles – all for use against civilian populations here in the US. Federal agencies with no law enforcement function have purchased BILLIONS of rounds of anti-personnel ammunition. Not training bullets, ANTI-PERSONNEL ammunition.

This government freely admits to illegally using psychological warfare against its own citizens. It admits to manipulating social media and planting stories in the corporate controlled media to affect public opinion. Its a matter of public record that it has staged false events to move public opinion.

That your life may carry on comfortably while not noticing, or that this doesn’t yet affect you directly is irrelevant. It is real and many Americans are beginning to recognize it.

The millions of firearms being purchased in record numbers over the last four plus years is only one indicator. Congress has consistently held approval ratings in the single digits and the current administration was elected by a minority of the eligible voters. Mostly ignored by the controlled press was President Obama’s “winning” of 61,140,297 ballots from among 207,643,594 eligible voters, clearly indicating that almost ¾ of the citizenry refused to grant legitimacy to this government.

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Arguing With Statists

The Jeenyus Corner | December 29 2012

arguing with statists

Having decisively lost their propaganda war for your emotions following the tragic shootings in Connecticut, the Statists have come to realize that once again, the American people simply refuse to support gun control.

The force of logic and reason aside, in this country, we will not give up our guns. After each school, movie theater or mall shooting – gun sales go ever higher.

After each utterance by this President, or those who support him, gun sales go higher. So much so, that commerce in firearms has never seen such numbers.

Responding to bolster their failing argument, we are seeing more and more contrived statistics, out of context studies or flat out falsehoods. Its well known that once Statists have cherry picked their own data or sufficiently tainted the actual ones, there’s no point in further discussion using the facts. Intellectual dishonesty shall always prevail. The hysteria on global climate change is evidence enough of this.

Let’s take an opposite consciousness view of the situation.

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