What You’re Not Hearing in These Messages

What You’re Not Hearing in These MessagesDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are infinite and eternal beings, and we hold that knowing within us all the time. You may think about it from time to time and admit to yourselves that you are infinite and eternal, but it is not a part of your moment-to-moment awareness, as it is for us. And so, when you connect to us directly, or through these transmissions, you are getting that gentle reminder. You are becoming more aware of the truth of who you really are and what you are made up of when you receive a transmission from us. Continue reading

Archangel Michael July 2023 Message

Archangel Michael July 2023 MessageAA Michael – Beloved masters, the ascension goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining soul fragments of the individual soul Self within the 3rd and 4th dimensions. This will initiate a reunion with your entry-level Spiritual Triad, a sacred Facet of your white fire God seed atom, which is awaiting your return within the first sub-plane of the 5th dimension. This is humanity’s major goal for this round of evolution.

Remember, ALL Creation — the Omniverse at all levels — is composed of Christed cosmic essence that was radiated forth from the heart-core of the Supreme Creator. This divine energy is composed of vibrational frequencies of infinite variations which were designed to interact with each other in an inconceivable number of ways. They are separated from each other by multitudes of white fire memory seed atom holographic patterns.

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A Quantum Leap Forward for the Awakened Collective

A Quantum Leap Forward for the Awakened CollectiveDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are illuminating many paths for the Awakened Collective, because we know that sometimes getting the gentle nudges that you do from your guides is not enough. We know that the more encouragement you get from above, the easier then it becomes for you to take the path that will bring you the most joy and the most ease on the remainder of your ascension journeys.

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Pleiadian Message May 2023

Pleiadian Message May 2023Christine Day – “A sacred field of light will be descending on Earth during the timeframe of May. You are being called to align through your Heart and open consciously to be received, to be realigned through this field of light. This sacred light will encompass the planet.

he Network of light that has surrounded the planet will begin to anchor its roots physically within the earth plane and will open this platform of light consciousness.

This is your time to let go on another level within your Heart center by choosing to surrender through your Heart and allow your Heart to merge within this platform of light.

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Your Invitation: Divine Expression

Your Invitation: Divine ExpressionAilia Mira – These are joyous times, on the inner planes, as so much light and energy is opening up your presence in consciousness. The new you is available now, in a never-before expression. And this YOU, is available for fulfillment and joy and Divine Expression.

Everything in your world is moving into higher expression, as it can. And the aim of all of this is authentic being and flow — that is what we call, Divine Expression.

The True Self, present and flowing in, drawing you into It’s energy and light, and opening you up to the flow of expanded information and inspiration. Continue reading