All Exists Within Nothingness

consciousnessJoe Weaver – The other day I wrote a posting making reference that “all exists within the nothingness”. It may seem like nothingness for the first time when coming from existing within the ego. However it is within this space of pure absence of all thought exists what is eternally real. From there the nothingness gets filled with your own higher knowingness, where more becomes known/remembered. However all that shields the nothingness from presenting itself has to be let go of or at least we must have the “willingness” to let go of it.

Become One with Self by letting go of all thoughts and feelings within your current perceived consciousness. Become the open vessel and it will be filled, it’s all the same thing. It will be filled with your own eternal truth of your own God Self IAM existence.

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Revise Reality to Experience Your Heart’s Desires

Creator deityAilia Mira –  “Many of you find yourselves wondering at times if you’re on track. If you’re actually living in such a way as to create the experience you wish to have. You wonder if it’s on its way, if it is really being manifest, if you’re allowing it, if you’re somehow in essence “doing it right.”

This need for validation and knowing is a very healthy thing. In essence, it’s a wonderful invitation: it calls you to develop your connection with your inner way of believing in something. It tells you that you want to have more confidence in your life and your ability to create it.

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Why Did You Choose the Hardest Path in the Universe?

Why Did You Choose the Hardest Path in the Universe?Daniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very interested in humanity’s ascension because you are helping us to have experiences that we could not otherwise have without you. We enjoy very much witnessing your path and also participating in it as the helpers that we are. We want you all to know that everything is going to work out for you. We want you to realize that you are in fact dreaming this reality into existence, and we also invite you to consider what a monumental feat that is. Continue reading

Roles We Play

rolesPavithra – Learning to play roles is one among many things we have learned since we were children. We play roles according to our family, culture, society, creeds that we belong to, the work we do and in many other areas of our life.

The amount of roles varies as we grow up; some we drop or grow out of while embracing another then the others we tend to hang on to till we die. Some of them are assigned to us as we grow up, like a child, a student, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, etc. These roles are there to make things easy for a society to run, a label of a sort to identify our part within the group we are part of. Continue reading

This is Why You’re on Earth

This is Why You’re on EarthDaniel Scranton – Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very eager to see where humanity is headed, as we understand that you all have many, many choices in front of you. It is our desire, always, to present you with the choices, the opportunities, the options, that will give you what it is that you really want, and in good timing as well.

We want you all to feel how much is available to you right now, to feel into the various timelines that you have in front of you. And we also want you to know that just as you don’t have to wait for an event, a solar flash, full disclosure, free energy, or the landing of ships to bring you into a higher state of consciousness, you also don’t have to wait for your fellow humans to start cleaning up their collective act. Continue reading