How To Align To New Frequencies Of Light

experiencesAang Aakha – Everyone is experiencing the new vibrational frequencies, no one is excluded, all is part of the change, some are aware, others are not. We are being affected, physically, mentally and emotionally, it is evident in everything around us including the collective field, we can see these changes even on a global level. For now, let’s focus on ourselves on how to align to these new frequencies of Light and ride these waves of change.

I share a few concepts below, they are just different perceptions, none is meant to infringe on your free-will, anything shared can be completely dismissed. These perspectives have brought me great inner peace and has completely shifted my lifestyle. I at times feel like a child, continuously learning and experiencing life in a myriad of ways. I am very grateful to be able to share them with you as they have been a great guide in my life.


  • Our inner world reflects externally. Our thought patterns, our ideas, our beliefs become our reality, they are the source of most of our experiences.
  • We can use the reflection in our outer world to help us understand what we are experiencing internally. We define our experiences, so looking at an experience can us a better understanding why we experienced it.
  • A simple example is to look at the type of relationships we have been experiencing in your life, are there any similarities, are there any patterns? Then look at the pattern and see if it is reflecting into other areas of life. It can be quite surprising.
  • Adapting: We will begin to notice that anything that we are pushing away, rejecting or trying to run away is consistently reflected in our life. It’s like a torch shining its light on a particular aspect of self so it can be identified and accepted.


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