Communism, Fascism, Globalism — What’s the Difference?

Monarchy: A system of government where supreme power is vested in a single genetic lineage — a dictatorship passed through family inheritance.

Communism: A system of government in which the State plans and controls the economy and a single, authoritarian party holds power — a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Fascism: A system of government marked by the centralization of authority under a dictator in which an economy is subject to stringent governmental controls and political opposition is violently suppressed.

Globalism: A system of government marked by the elimination of national sovereignty and the centralization of authority within international organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum — all run by a small group of wealthy elites.

J. B. Shurk – Monarchy, communism, fascism, globalism — what’s the difference? At the end of the day, we are talking about a system of government in which centralized power belongs to a small group of elites who use their control over economic, military, and intelligence-collecting institutions to rule over everyone else. Continue reading

15 Minute Cities and the Right to Travel

Alexandra Bruce15 Minute Cities and the Right to Travel


The “15-minute cities” that everyone is talking about now is the Great Reset’s trendy new name for open-air prison camps.

The idea is to corral everyone into neighborhoods small enough to walk from one end to the other in 15 minutes; everything you need within a half-mile radius, so that you’ll never, ever have to leave. Continue reading

The Democratic Party is Now America’s Extremist Party

democratJ. Robert Smith – Millions of Americans know.  Daily, others are coming to grips with the reality.  But fear pervades the nation, so many people stay quiet.  They stay quiet hoping destruction isn’t visited upon them.

Time to end the fear.  Here’s the ugly fact that must be confronted: The Democratic Party is now an extremist organ waging a fierce cold civil war to seize power and eviscerate America as founded and upend and erase its exceptional culture.

The party is saturated with Marxist sensibilities, ideas, and motivations.  Marxism is alien and hostile.  It’s fundamentally anti-American.  Its worldview, strategies, and tactics are furnished in an endless stream by radical leftist academics, who have dominated our colleges and universities for decades now. Continue reading

We’re in a Chinese PSYOP The Way Forward [Video]

byrneAlexandra Bruce – I first heard about Patrick Byrne around 2005 from my friend, the late John Perry Barlow, who was then staying with me at my parents’ apartment in Rio de Janeiro, while I was writing a book and he was advising the Brazilian government.

He was advising Brazil to move their entire digital infrastructure off of Microsoft and onto Linux with their own proprietary software and he was doing this through Gilberto Gil’s Ministry of Culture, of all places. I don’t know if they managed to achieve Barlow’s goal to get Bill Gates’ backdoor out of their government’s business, across all platforms. (Who has?) Continue reading

Vaccine pushers believe the government can force you to undergo chemotherapy

medicalMike Adams – Medical fascism is on the rise in America as left-wing medical tyrants push mandatory vaccines and mandatory chemotherapy on the masses, even while they are screaming that the government should “get your hands off my body” when it comes to abortions.

According to the twisted, deranged philosophy of Leftists, it’s okay to murder a child that has just been born (infanticide), meaning they assign zero value to a human life. By the same psychopathic thinking, Leftists also believe government can force any human being at gunpoint to be injected with extremely toxic substances that kill living cells and cause permanent damage to the heart, kidneys and brain (chemotherapy agents are derived from the chemical weapons of World War I). Continue reading