The Wages of Perpetual Fear

the wages of fearPaul Rosenberg – I’ve gone on for a long time about fear making humans stupid, and even about it being a weapon and a brain poison. But I’ve also wondered at times whether people would hit fear-fatigue… that point where people have simply had enough and walk out from under it.

As it turns out, however, I was a bit optimistic on fear fatigue. I’ve been reading Robert Sapolsky’s newest book, Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best And Worst, and was disappointed to learn what the best new research shows on the long-term application of fear. (Or, in the academic terminology, sustained stress.) Continue reading

Fear Is A Mind Hack

Paul Rosenberg – Humans are not naturally stupid. They are not naturally bad. Fear, however, distorts them, weakens them, and makes them far less effective than they’d naturally be. Fear, in its many guises, is the great enemy of mankind, and it’s time that we addressed it head on.

Fear is useful (even if unpleasant) when encountering an angry bear. But it is strongly degrading to both our bodies and our minds when we imagine a bear around every corner.

To state our problem simply, fear makes humans very easy to hack. When someone tries to make you afraid, they are abusing you; they are hacking you; they are grabbing your inner workings and turning them toward their own ends. Continue reading

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap Bubble

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap BubbleJohn  Smallman – Humanity is going to awaken, and you Light bearers know this.  Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen.

It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome.  When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on high burns brightly, helping to show others the way.

Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion. Continue reading

Living the Shift – A Life Beyond Fear

Living the Shift - A Life Beyond FearOpen – Essentially fear is what cripples people into outdated lifestyles, divorced from the connection with ‘God’. It’s often fear that keeps people nose-to-the-grindstone in today’s society or else strangles the joy from relationships. How different would your life be if you lost the fear of any of this? What would it be like if you no longer feared death? I believe that with some relatively basic internal confrontation, we can purge fear from our lives, and set the soul soaring.

Confronting Fear

Are you ready to take a journey with me beyond fear? Continue reading

Ways for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Ways for Overcoming Fear and AnxietyDavid R Hamilton – I’d like to be able to say that I am free of fear and anxiety. Especially as a writer of books that occasionally touch on these topics. People often look to me for answers, strategies, or techniques they can use.

But rather than pretend that I don’t have these struggles so that you might think I’ve mastered myself and then listen to everything I have to say, I felt it would be better to be honest.

Then at least I can honestly say that while I’ve not mastered fear and anxiety, there are some things that I’ve found you can do that can really help. Both immediately and also in the longer term. Continue reading